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The days passed and you would meet Namjoon often. He would either turn up wherever you were unanounced and bend you to his will, or you would go to him and get blacked out with a wide variety of narcotics... Partying hard with the female strippers from the club was an everyday occurrence, during which you would partake in all kinds of lewd sexual acts while Namjoon rejoiced with his dick in his hand.
The amount of excitement needed for you to get satisfied was becoming alarmingly high as it grew and grew, to the point where you were scared of your own appetite. Your thirst was becoming insatiable, but Namjoon didn't move a finger to stop it, on the contrary, he would keep introducing you to newer kinks and more sophisticated drugs, slowly making you feel like your body couldn't keep up with the demands.
One day you decided to surprise him and visit him in the morning to have breakfast with him, with maybe a little something on the side, but the bouncer looked at you with a worried expression as he was making excuses for not letting you in.
-What happened, is he ok?- you asked with exasperation in your voice.
-Yes, he left early in the morning- responded the thug with a nervous expression.
-I can wait for him inside 'til he comes back...
-No, he's going to be gone all day...
-Mhhmm, that's weird, he didn't mention anything...- you added apprehensively.
In that very moment, someone calls the bouncer from inside and he turns his back momentarily to reply. You seize the opportunity to slip in the club and you can't help but feel like there's something wrong, your curiosity eating at you. You climb the stairs as fast as you can and dart towards your lover's room, only to find him lying on his bed naked with a busty brunette by his side.
The rage that takes over your senses in seconds makes you grab the nearest, most fragile sculpture you can find and bash it against the opposing wall were the his tall headboard is placed against.
Both him and the women spring awake, making him reach for a gun from under his mattress before he realizes it's you he's pointing it to.
You gasp utterly terrified and freeze on the spot.
-I'm so sorry baby, I didn't know it was you...
You continue to stand still with your heart pumping so loud that you feel it tearing up your ribs. He grabs his pants and puts them on hurriedly which allows you enough time to snap out of it and sprint in whatever direction put you as far away from him as possible.
You feel him screaming your name and running after you but you're already at the bottom of the stairs running faster that you've ever had.
Your mind is blank and your heart is racing but one thing you know is that you have to get away from Namjoon, it doesn't matter how he makes you feel... What matters is that you must be as far from him as possible.
You hear him sending death threats to the bouncer and gaining speed, but as you reach the street you slip and fall on your knees and the palms of your hands stop your face from hitting the pavement. A sharp pain prickles your hand due to a piece of broken glass that makes it's way in there but the adrenaline is coursing so wildly through your veins that you barely react.
Namjoon darts towards you with panic stricken all over his face.
-Baby, she's an important client, she...
-I don't give a fuck Namjoon! I'm done with you!- you interrupt him, trying to get the glass out.
-You're hurt! Let me take care of you!
-And if I don't want you to?... what?... you're gonna shoot me?
-No baby, I'm so sorry... I would never... I love you!- he replies with dismay.
-Baby, please don't say that! -his face imploring with dispair...
-Look at me! I'm a complete mess! I can't even function properly anymore!
-Let me fix it, please, I love you so much...
-You're incapable of love, you're a fucking sociopath! I'm done!!!- you snapped as you stood up to run away from him.
-No, you're mine!- he said menacingly as he seized your arm to prevent you from getting away.
-Listen to me, motherfucker... -you lower your voice and let the rage in your eyes strike his -...If you don't let me leave right now, you're gonna have to kill me, because I'm gonna do everything in my power to destroy you.. DO YOU HEAR ME?!!!
He stood back perplexed, then raising his hand to cover his glassy eyes, not dearing to stop you as you skirted away from him and everything in his vicinity.
Why did it hurt so much?
You felt so idiotic , more so than ever. He had never made any promises and you certainly hadn't either, but you had felt this sense of understanding between the both of you that right now, it was looking more and more like a deluded nightmare. How could you think that someone like him would be faithful or honest to you. You were just another plaything, lying came naturally to him, who knows what else would have happened if you hadn't found him with that woman this morning.
You had been walking aimlessly around the city for hours with tears staining your eyes, the cut in your hands had stopped bleeding, and your knees are wobbly. Suddenly you feel the urge to vomit, but when you do, nothing comes out.
You pass by the reflection of the glass of an electronics store and you notice how much weight you've lost; at least 5 pounds. And your appearance seems gaunt and weak, unlike before when you looked strong and healthy. Your pants are soiled and loose, and your hair appears more brittle and rough, not as shiny as before.... Then you notice a drible of blood exiting your nostrils as your hands start to shake. You wipe it off with the sleeve of your shirt and steady yourself against the wall.
How you wish you could get high righ now...
but that is precisely the reason why your body is in it's current state. If you wanted to put the past few weeks behind you, you needed to quit cold turkey, there was no way around it.
Then you receive a call from a number that's not in your contacts, but at least is visible. It was Jungkook's sweet, melodic voice on the line saying your name.
-Hi Jungkook... -you responded with a shaky mumble.
-Sorry it's taken me so long to call you back, these past few days have been a nightmare.
-Oh, don't worry...- you mutter with what little strength you have left.
-Wait, are you ok? You don't sound so good...
-Uhmmm, I've been better...
-Are you hurt?
-It's just a scratch, really...
-Where are you?
You tell him about your location by looking at the street signs on the nearest intersection.
-That's only 5 blocks away from where I am, stay there... I'm coming to you...
-There's no need, really...
-Stay there!- he says with a commanding tone before he hangs up the phone.
A few short minutes later you notice a black Mercedes slowing down in speed, followed by a stunning black haired man coming out of it who's carrying a bag with him.
He walks straight to your direction with concern written all over his eyes and grabs your shoulders to inspect you carefully.
-Where is it?
You show him the cut in you hand with barely any steadyness and he raises his eyebrows.
-It's bigger than I thought, let's get in the car.
He notices your swaying steps and grabs your waist to provide some support.
-Hey, what happened to you?!- his asks in an alarmed manner as he carefully helps you climb on the backseat of his car.
Once you're both inside, he pulls out a first aid kit from the bag he was carrying and proceeds to clean the wound and bandage it with dexterity.
-Why do you look like shit?- he asks in his usual demoting tone.
-I do?- you decide to play unaware.
-You've lost weight, and you look pale and shaky... and where did you get this cut?
-Oh, I just fell... Maybe I've been partying a little bit too hard...- you hated lying but you'd hate seeing Jungkook's disappointment even more.
-Yeah, no shit...- he replies suscinctly.
-I don't know what's gotten into me, I'm usually not like this at all...
-When was the last time you ate something?
You become silent as you scramble your brains for an answer.
-If you have to think about it that hard, it means that it was way too long ago.
He indicates the driver to take both of you to a place you've never heard of before, and 3 minutes later the vehicle comes to a stop before he gets out of the car and circles it to open your door. You exit laboriously as he holds you close to him. You look up at his sculpted face, it was so strikingly beautiful, and he smelled like honey and raw sensuality, causing you to get goose bumps all over your body. Everyone around him falls completely silent when they notice his imposing, yet graceful aura. He walks you to a cafe that's rather empty and places you on a booth before a mature man walks over to him with a big smile on his face...
-Jay Kaaay!- he greets Jungkook while pulling him in a one arm hug...
-Arthur, how are things back at home?- he responds warmly, this side of him you hadn't seen before.
-Oh, everyone doing great... It's been a while since the last time you came...
-Work has been crazy, you know how it is...
-Yeah, but you need to take a break... Come by, lay back a little...
-You're right, as always...
-Who's this young lady? Don't tell me someone finally locked you down!
-Oh no, she's a friend...
You extend your hand with a polite smile while briefly introducing yourself, and the older man took hold of it with both of his and a homely beam lit up his face.
-You look a little bit pale honey, let me bring you some food...
Jungkook sat beside you instead of in front of you, like most people usually do, after removing your coat and placing it conscientiously on the back of the booth. Your back was leaned against a window and the warmth of the beautifully decorated cafe progressively calmed your jitters, under the watchful eyes of the gorgeous man seating beside you.
Almost at the same time, Arthur came back with the waiter and placed enough food in front of you to fill the whole table. Which seemed a little excessive, given the prices written on the black chalkboard hanged on the wall near the register, but it would have been rude to complain...
When you looked at Jungkook with incredulous eyes he sent the same warm smile your way and you notice your heartbeat gaining speed and electricity shocking your stomach.
-I eat a lot...- he purred while spreading cream chese and laying prosciutto on a deliciously looking bagel, and placing it on a plate in front of you. Then he poured copious amounts of orange juice on a tall glass and signaled you to hold it, before using his hands to help you bring it closer to your mouth. You chuckled thankfully and sent him a nod when he gestured inquisitively by pointing both of his thumbs up in the air, making sure the food was to your liking. You had never witnessed that cute side of him and it was causing havoc inside your body.
-When you're done with your premature midlife crisis maybe we can go to this other place that I love that's on the western part of town... They have the most delicious Korean dishes... It's another one of my favorites restaurants...
-I'd love that... -you responded in between copious bites and sips of juice and coffee.
You talked for a while about all kinds of nonsense and you were pleasantly surprised at how funny he actually was. You genuinely laughed outloud for the first time in months, feeling like the time was escaping you.
-So how have you been?- you asked him with a benevolent smile...
-It's okay... -he sighed...- although some times I wonder why am I doing all of this for...
-I think you're wasting your life at that place, you could do so much more, honestly...
-It's complicated...
-I know, but it's worth it... I really think you're a good person Jungkook...
He remained silent...
-Just... think about it! -you added at the end.
He continued to gobble his food, and now he didn't look arrogant and rude, instead he looked like a little boy with wide eyes that stretched past the horizon. You sighed in awe of his staggering beauty, his twinkling doe eyes, his pink lips... he was too good to be true.
-Are you gonna tell me what really happened now? - he inquired after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
-Honestly, I just want to forget about it as quickly as possible...
-I understand...
A few seconds later, Arthur returned with a big smile plastered on his wrinkled face.
-Ah, now that looks better! Are you sure about what you said Jungkook, she's way too gorgeous to be just a friend...
You blushed as Jungkook looked at you with dazzling eyes and chuckled apologetically.
Oh darling, come here!- Arthur called and you watched as an older lady with chubby cheeks and endearing deep set, double eyelid eyes walked beaming towards you with the same button nose and pink lips in Jungkook's face.
She placed a maternal kiss on Jungkook's forehead before Jungkook held her hand and introduced you to her.
-Oh Jungkookie, you two make such a stunning couple!- said the lady enthusiastically.
-They're just friends he said- replied Arthur while sardonically gesturing air quotation marks.
You laughed wholeheartedly and Jungkook leaned forward to reach his wallet.
-Auntie, Arthur, I really have to go right now but it was great seeing you...
-Don't you dare Jeon Jungkook, you know your money is no good here!- Arthur replied sternly before Jungkook stood up to hug his aunt and her husband.
They said their goodbyes to you and you were helped out off the booth by all of them, taken aback by the overwhelming amount of kindness and hospitality in their eyes.
On your way out you noticed Jungkook sneaking to slide a couple hundred dollar bills in the tip jar and joined you at the front step. It was safe to say that the butterflies in your stomach were fluttering more violently than ever.
He drove you home as you doze off in traffic. The car was already parked in front of your apartment building as he squeezed your hand lightly to wake you up and you noticed he had placed his coat on top of you to make you warmer.
-Why are you being so nice to me?- you asked him with a sleepy voice... -I thought you said I was stupid
-Can't a guy be nice to women without bad intentions? Especially those who are not so bright... -he teased.
-Yes, but it's unusual... -you replied while pinching his chest as he shielded himself with the palms of his hands.
-Then you should maybe meet new people...- he responded after a while
-Definitely...- you uttered with an almost soundless raspberry.
-But, besides that, you kinda remind me of my eomma... Not phisically of course, but she was sassy like you, wreckless sometimes, smart, caring... She was a lot honestly... -he chuckled absentmindedly.
-I'm so sorry for your loss...
-It happened a long time ago...
After a few seconds you placed your unharmed hand on top of his and looked at him sympathetically.
-If there's anything I can help you with, anything at all, please don't hesitate to call me. Seriously... -you replied with an indulgent gesture.
-Thank you... - he responds with kind eyes and devastating features adorned by beam of light that kisses the skin of his neck -...Do you need help getting upstairs?
-Absolutely not, you've done enough...- you respond firmly and get out of the car after saying your goodbyes.
Your head and body were a complete mess, but if one thing was certain, it was how much you liked Jeon Jungkook...

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