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-Take that ring off! Now!- the guttural voice coming from Namjoon shocks you to your core. How is he here?! How did he find you?!
You do as he says and slip the ring off your finger to place it on the coffee table.
Jungkook tries to stop you, but as soon as he does he's met with Namjoon's gun to his forehead.
-No, please...- you beg Namjoon but he ignores you as he uses the grip of his gun to smash Jungkook's cheek with rage.
You gasp in fear as soon as you notice the blood in the side of your lover's face, and lunch yourself to stop Namjoon from hitting him again. Imploring him with your eyes, grabbing his arm and wishing, that somehow there's something you can do to stop the worst from happening.
Namjoon uses his other hand to cup the back of your head and pierce your soul with his dragon eyes, but Jungkook, although dizzy from the hit, isn't having it. He gets up to hit him in the head with his, but Namjoon's beastly skull barely feels it, and takes hold of Jungkook's neck, trying to choke him with all his strength.
Jungkook punches Namjoon so hard in the stomach that you could have sworn that any normal human being would have been plummeting to the floor by now; but he barely showed any pain, instead he pointed the gun at his heart.
-Jungkook stop it!- you screamed, knowing that if he kept trying to attack Namjoon, it would be a matter of seconds before he got shot.
Namjoon used this opportunity to punch him in the face with the strength of a wrecking ball, causing him to land violently on the floor, almost rendering him unconscious.
-NO!!!- you yell again, rushing to Kookie's aid, but you're stopped before you get to him by Namjoon's strong hold on your arm.
-Leave it...- you listen to Namjoon's foreboding warning before he turns you around to face him.
To think that just a minute ago you were relaxed and kissing Jungkook in the couch while he stroked your ass, thinking that you were safe, and that you would be safe, forever...
-Did you really think that I would believe you killed yourself?!- he snapped angrily at you but you couldn't dare to look him in the eyes -DID YOU?!
You remained quietly staring at the floor, but he grabbed your chin and forced it up so you could face him.
-I'm so dissapointed in you...- he continued as he pointed his gun at you now, letting Jungkook know that one wrong move and he would fire the gun at your stomach.
-You go and fuck my life off, and then decide to play house with this moron?! Who are you trying to fool? I was willing to quit everything for you...
-Namjoon please, let's just talk...- you beg before he grabs a fistful of your hair and digs his face in your neck...
-You know he doesn't know you like I do, you know I'm the one you've always wanted...- he speaks in your ear with aggression.
You look to the side and Jungkook is livid, trying with everything in his body to stay put.
-Doesn't he know all the times you came back crawling to me because I'm the only one who can truly satisfy you?
-Namjoon I'm sorry...
-Let's show him what I mean...
With his free hand he grabs the shirt you're wearing and drags you to a desk that's placed across the room, he tears the top buttons of your shirt open and crashes his lips on yours with a wave of animalistic force.
At the sight of this, Jungkook is taken over by a blinding rage that forces him into beast mode. He attacks Namjoon making him bleed this time, throwing a few berserker hits and he almost had him, but Namjoon's hold of the gun gave him the upper hand since he kept pointing it at you. After a few bone cracking punches, Jungkook was once again bleeding out into the carpet and barely concious, while you screamed in terror for Namjoon to stop. Once he regained control of the situation, he wiped his bloody lip with his shirt and proceeded to kiss you ferociously. His hand was grabbing your breast and his hard on was pressing against your pussy, and Jungkook next to you seemed to be fading away...
-Please don't do this Namjoon, I'm so sorry, but please...- you cry out but it's futile.
-Tell me you don't love me then... and tell me all this wetness is not from me...- he whispers loud enough for Jungkook to hear as he digs his hand inside your underwear to massage your pussy.
And to be honest you are not sure if the wetness was from before or after Namjoon started touching you, but it scares you. He's right, you can sense the moisture in your pussy as he uses his fingers to spread it to your bud, which he pinches with dexterity in between his fingers. You can't help but moan from the pleasure but it makes you disgusted with yourself. This is your worst nightmare...
Now Namjoon is flicking your clitoris while he floods your mouth with his plump lips and serpentous tongue; and even though he looks terrifying right now, your pussy keeps dripping and dripping, preparing itself for when he unzips his pants, rips your underwear and slowly penetrates your hole with his thick, large, veiny cock.
You cry and moan, feeling contempt towards him and yourself. You can't help but enjoy him inside of you, rubbing up against your contracting walls; but you hate him for it. You can't believe this is the punishment he chose. Not when the love of your life is bleeding out on the ground next to you...
-Namjoon... stop... please... just kill me already!- at this point, pleasure, pain, guilt and disgust are overwhelming your brain and you can't take it anymore. You can't resist him, you can't run, Jungkook is right there... There can't be a worse torture in the World...
-Kill you? I adore you my love! - he says as he strokes your whole body with veneration, entering you over and over with red passion inebriating his senses- ...I am willing to forgive you and take you with me, but I needed to punish you first... Do you see how hard I'm controlling myself not to kill HIM? For you?
He continues to suction your neck, his arm supporting your upper back and his thrusts gain even more strength as his breathing gets more labored and his moans deeper. His torso vibrates against your bristled breasts and his pelvis rubs against your clitoris when he starts slamming against your body, completely posessed by his lust. You cry in his arms wishing for him to stop fucking you so good. You have never been more miserable... you wished you were dead...
But next to you, Jungkook regains his consciouness, he kicks Namjoon's legs hard and forces him to loose his balance. Jungkook takes this chance to spring himself forward and tackle him to the ground, making him drop his gun, where he punches Namjoon's face repeatedly with rage in his eyes. You have never seen Jungkook like this, his fists are stained with Namjoon's blood and there's murder intent in his eyes.
Namjoon defends himself breaking Jungkook's nose, which forced him to retrieve and the first one takes this chance to compose himself. A few moments pass as the two men coax blood and pain from each other, anger in their eyes while you're paralyzed, unable to figure out what to do.
Even if the best scenario happens, would Jungkook ever look at you the same after everything he's seen and heard? You know Namjoon was trying not to kill him for your sake, but you're not so sure he'll keep his promise anymore...
In a matter of seconds, Jungkook exerts a set of bone crushing punches and kicks that force Namjoon to fall face first into the ground spitting blood, bested by Jungkook and barely conscious; but after a few seconds you notice that this was all a plot to get to the gun he had dropped, and a salacious half smile forms in his bloody face. You recognize the muderous inebriated darkness of his eyes taking hold of his senses as he reaches for the trigger. In a glimpse of an eye you realize he was done playing nice so you jump in front of Jungkook to shield him from harm. Instantly as you do so, a gunshot's deafening sound and a piercing pain ruptures through your back and lounges somewhere in your internal organs.
-NOOOOOOO!!!- Namjoon's scream deafens the air around you as Jungkook's horrified face expression stuns you in his arms, which at this point, are the only things keeping you from falling down; yet you can barely understand what just happened.
Something is not right, you feel the warmth slowly escaping your body and your clothes getting soaked in a thick liquid.
-No, no.. Jagiya please... NO!- Jungkook's strength seems to slowly dissipate as he lowers both of your bodies to the ground.
Namjoon is crying and screaming in the background, dragging himself to reach your bloody feet.
-I'm so sorry baby... I'm so s.. s... sorry my love, please, please don't don't die, please...- he begs as he attaches himself to your ankles, wailing inconsolably.
Jungkook is pressing your body while panting incontrolably, trying to stop the bleeding coming from your heart but is futile. Every second that passes drains your arteries even more and you know... You know your time is coming.
-Jagiya, look at me, please, don't!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!- Jungkook's tears land on your face but you can barely see him. You feel him shaking but there's nothing you can do. You can't grasp for more air but you don't want to die, you want to tell him you're gonna be okay... At least you wished you could have had more time...
Namjoon's wails subseed but Jungkook's are only getting louder. He knows it's over and it terrifies him.
-I'm... sorry...- you mumble with tears in your face and close your eyes to the last sounds you would ever listen: another gunshot, Namjoon's silence, a dry thump, and Jungkook's dismal cries.

The End.

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