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After you were done kissing the brown hair beauty, you looked back, and just as you suspected, Jimin was delighted by the view. His malicious semblance was even more attractive than his flirtatious one. His succulent red lips seemed to vibrate in excitement and his eyes glimmered with anticipation. Jungkook on the other hand seemed to be in shock, he only evolved from his almost drooling state, which lasted a few seconds, when he grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the center while speaking only to Jimin again.
-Do you mind If I talk to your date for a minute? There are some things I need to discuss with her in private...
He didn't wait for a reply and guided you to a more secluded corner of the club. His hold wasn't painful for you, but strong enough for you to know he was about the let you have it.
-What the fuck do you think you're doing?!- he finally attacked trying not to raise his voice too much.
-Aren't you the one who started deliberately hurting me first?- you responded equally flustered
-You really have some fucking nerve...- he responded aggressively...
-After everything I did for you...- you were really getting worked up now.
In that moment you sensed two sets of steps approaching the corner you and Jungkook were barking at each other on.
-WELL, CAN YOU BLAME ME???- he snapped back just as Jimin appeared in your field of vision, and Jungkook took this opportunity to point at him with an open hand.
It wasn't until you noticed Jimin's presence that you became aware of the close distance between you and Jungkook, which made you back away in an instant.
-Is everything ok here?- inquired the concerned Jimin without any response from you.
-Back off!- snapped Jungkook after noticing the distance between Jimin and you becoming smaller.
-I beg your pardon?- replied a confused Jimin, but with a hint of aggression in his tone.
Jungkook was panting furiously, seemingly unsure of what his next words should be, yet neither you or him responded.
-Is there something between you two that I don't know about?- demanded the blonde hair heartthrob as Jin also joined the scene, looking like the night was about to be over.
-I'm so sorry Jimin, I don't feel very good, I'm gonna have to cancel... - you finally managed to utter some words while the brunette also arrived to the scene by Jungkook's side.
-But...- started Jimin with a puzzled disappointed expression while attempting to hold your hands.
-Can't you just leave her alone?!- interrupted Jungkook looking livid.
-Do you suddenly own all the women in the World, Jungkook?!- snapped Jimin, evidently fed up with Jungkook's attitude.
You took this opportunity to scurry away with Jin and Lana, feeling like shit for abandoning Jimin like that, while he and Jungkook continued their heated discussion.
Before you knew it, you were already seated in the backseat of Jin's car wishing to bash your own brains against a wall as the view of the club faded in the distance. Beside you Lana held your hand with a worried expression, but Jin on the other hand was glimpsing at you sternly through the rear view mirror.
-I hope that was enough fun for the rest of the year at least...- commented Jin with his usual reprehensive tone, which you internally agreed with, but it still wasn't welcome given how horribly you felt.
-Ah come on Jinnie, I'm sure you had a good time!- said a playful Lana by your side, likely causing the handsome driver a violent flush of his cheeks.
After a few minutes you arrived to the apartment and fell asleep like a log on the couch, despite the noises coming from Lana's bedroom, who was probably exhausting what little energy Jin had left while making you feel extremely jealous at the same time. For a moment you thought what it would be like to join them, to kiss Jin's beautiful lips, and to suck his long member while he fingered your pussy, but you were unsure of how deep Lana's feelings for him were; it was best to tread lightly.
The next morning came and you woke up with a jolt due to the sound of an inbound text message.
"Good morning gorgeous, it's Jimin" to which you replied immediately, unable to control your impulses: "How did you get this number"
Even though that sentence was your first instinctive response, that was hardly important. Now in the light of day, getting involved with yet another possible criminal, no matter how blue collar he was, wasn't so smart. But he was so scrumptious...
Not wanting to know what was going to be the follow up for that question, you silenced your phone and decided to start your usual daily routine. After a light breakfast, some reading, some excersize and some internet searches you were back to thinking about Jungkook and all the inner peace you had achieved went back to square one. You hated the way he was behaving, and his opinion of you was like a slap across your face... How could he be so hypocritical and self righteous? Especially after all you had done for him.
You continued to ruminate in your ideas for a while longer while looking through the windows, and noticed a car pulling up across the street that looked exactly like Jungkook's personal car. And to confirm your suspicions, a dark haired dapper young man dismounted the driver's seat with what looked like a bouquet of white roses. Despite the altitude of your apartment, Jungkook's stunning walk and silhouette were unmistakable, but regardless of how hard he had tried to find your current residence you knew there was no chance in hell the guards were going to let him go up. Your mind pondered weather to ignore him or go down to meet him for a couple of minutes, but in the end you decided to hear him out because you had nothing better to do either ways.
A few minutes later you arrived at the lobby where Jungkook was trying his hardest to convince the security to let him see you, but as soon as he heard your footsteps he stood up straight and waited patiently for you to talk the guards into giving the both of you a few minutes of privacy in the complex's park without exiting the property completely. You don't ever bother asking how he found out about your whereabouts because it isn't important. The energy to keep fighting has also escaped you, all that lingers is pain and emotional exhaustion. His saddened face shows it too as he hands over the flowers like they're made of lead.
-I'm sorry... for everything...- he says looking down, and you could have sworn his voice had cracked at the end.
-I'm sorry too...- you respond while grabbing the bouquet and almost digging your nose in it so as to not smell Jungkook's sweet scent.
-The truth is that even though I appreciate the risk you took for me, I didn't ask you to do it. I would have rather you hadn't done what you did. None of it.
-I'm sorry...- it finally dawned on you, how he must have felt.
-I wished I hadn't said those words, I wished I would've done things differently from the moment I saw you... but right now I don't know if I'm capable of forgiving you.
-I understand... maybe we work better as friends...- your late reply made Jungkook sink slightly shorter and a stabbing pain punctured your stomach as you finally uttered that sad realization.
-I don't know if I can be your friend...- he muttered after a few excruciating seconds in which you wished he would yank the flowers from your hold and forced his way into your lips.
Droplets of salty water started forming in your tear ducts but the sound of an unexpected arrival pulled you out of it.
-Jungkook... -uttered the voice of Ming Yoongi as he shook his hand and they exchanged monotone hellos while you stood frozen in your spot.
You didn't know what to say so you said nothing and backed away, it was too painful to stand there anyways so you left the two men behind as you made your way back upstairs.
A few seconds later you found yourself entering the elevator and just when you thought you were alone and it was safe to cry shamelessly, the hand of Min Yoongi pried the elevator open and his body later appeared in your field of vision as well.
-Hi...- you said trying your hardest to conceal your emotions.
-I'm sorry, I didn't know that he was here...- he replied massaging his neck apologetically -... I actually came to check on you because we caught some shady individuals trying to break in the building last night, at 3 am...
-Yeah, but I took care of it, don't worry about it...
-Nobody told me anything...- was this part of the punishment Namjoon was talking about?
-I didn't want you to get scared, you're under my full protection, I want you to know that.
Your cheeks got red as you tried to conceal your face as much as possible.
-It might not stop there, but you have nothing to worry about...
You nodded silently expressing your gratitude and the elevator beeped as you reached your floor. You said thank you and turned your back to make your way to your apartment, but Yoongi's hand grabbed yours unexpectedly.
-When you're done waisting your time with these so called "men" who can't keep a woman, let me know and I'll make you happy...
He let go of your hand and left you petrified in your place, pressed a button on the elevator and shot his dark, penetrating steely eyes at you before the doors closed.
Your beating heart and your violent red face was received by the silence of your living room
as you wondered how much more your heart and your brain could take before they finally imploded on their own.

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