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"There's no fucking way she's dead" Namjoon thought to himself from the corner of a dark room where he was splayed across. Dried tears stain his face and his naked muscular torso raises up with every one of his spiteful breaths.
Even though his lawyers and employees had done everything to get him exonerated or at least reduce his sentence, he had still gotten time. Too much time... There was no way in hell that he was going to spend 5 years locked up like an animal in a cage. So of course, he had escaped, and now he had become public enemy number one...
"That fucking bitch opened her mouth again and faked her death so I wouldn't go after her..." he continued to convince himself because the alternative was to believe that you were dead, and that was much, much worse.
The following day he had a stooge break into the office where the records of your death were stored but just as he had thought, there wasn't enough proof to definitely convince him that it was you the one buried in that cemetery. And what do you know?... fucking Jeon Jungkook had decided to "travel for a while" after your funeral, so if you were with him living the life he was going to get even angrier.
He wasn't sure what he planned to do when he finally found you, but even if it took months he wasn't going to give up. At the end of the day he was probably doing what you secretly wanted, he thought... HE was the one for you... HE was your one true love. If that wasn't true why did you always ended up going back to him? You were probably bored by this point and wanted nothing more than to have a taste of your favorite drug... You were probably craving a fix, a fix of Namjoon... You probably fantasized him fucking you every night while lying next to that boy. There was no way that kid could know you like he did, could please you like he could, could break you like he had done... You were his, and if you couldn't be with him, you wouldn't be with anyone.
Every attempt he had made to forget you had been in vane. He had many girls at his disposal to get him off, who were dying to suck him and get fucked by him like they had done in the past; but he wouldn't even get hard if he didn't imagine it was you.
Your lips, your skin, your hair, your intoxicating scent, your whispering, soft voice in his ear... your gorgeous breasts... your waist, your ass, your thighs, your tight, delicious pussy... you telling him you loved him, you moaning in his arms... you were all he could think about... YOU...
"Am I going crazy?" he thought in dismay as another tear was jerked from his dragon eye... "How could you do this to me?"
Yet the betrayal and resentment he had felt wasn't even nearly as painful as your absence, so he had to find out once and for all if you really loved him. And if he was right, he would rescue you from whatever hell you had created for yourself and take you all to himself. He was very upset at you, and he didn't even know if it would ever be the same, if he could ever trust you again... but that wasn't important right now. The both of you would cross that bridge when you got there. What mattered right now is that he needed to find you, claim you, and crown you as the queen beside his throne.
"And if you refuse..." No, that's not a possibility, he must not think of this. He can't even bear to imagine it, because he knows that what you have is real. Realer than anything in this World. Whatever you wanted he could give to you, he was ready to do whatever it took to make you his wife, once and for all.
Minutes become hours, hours become days, days become weeks but still nothing... Until he remembers what one must do when one wants to permanently disappear. One must change their identity... There's only so many people who handle these kinds of deals, and if he doesn't know them, his associates might...
It takes him another week, a few bribes, a few threats, and much violence... but now he's getting closer. Seattle seems to be the place... So he sends every investigator your description and within days you are found. Except now you look different... You have platinum hair and it's rare to find you without a mask, but when you go to restaurants you need to take it off, and he has eyes everywhere... He hops on a private plane and after days of sleep deprivation, poor nutrition and pain, he feels excitement once again. He will see you, he will hold you once again, he can't wait...
Now he's parked outside your building with binoculars trying to make sure he has the right apartment number. The only problem is that you don't seem to look out your windows, not even once... "Let me see you..." he thinks, but after an hour he's getting impatient. The sun hasn't set yet, and the building's security seems pretty good but he will see you, there's no doubt about that. He's just trying to do it in a way in which the least amount of blood is shed, for you... He wants to show you he can change... He picks up his phone and dials the number on your building's website...
-Hello...- a woman picks up.
-Hello, my name is Robert Smith... I just passed by your building and I just fell in love with it. I was wondering if you had any units for sale...
-As a matter of fact we do, would you like to set up an appointment to visit? I can show you a few as soon as next week...
-Thank you, but I'm a very busy man, and I'm only in town until tonight... Is there any way you could squeeze me in today? I'm prepared to pay a very generous fee for your time, any number you want...
-Well...- he hears some rustling in the background and after a few seconds the lady replies -... I was about to leave for the day but I can show you around myself if that's the case...
Just as he had thought, money talks... In a matter of seconds he was met at the door by a woman with long brown hair and a form fitting business ensemble.
-Hello Mr. Smith, my name is Rowena... -she said ogling him with discretion and bowing down to shake his hand.
-Good afternoon, and thank you so much for accommodating me with so little notice...
-Oh, that's okay, it's my pleasure...- she responded with blushed cheeks before guiding him to the elevator, where she used a code he memorized and a card to set it in motion.
Once they were both in the elevator Rowena started asking him questions that became flirtatious in a matter of seconds:
-So, is there a Mrs Smith, or would you be moving here by yourself?
-No Mrs Smith, not at the moment, but one day...
-I'm sure whoever that girl ends up being, she'll be very lucky to have you...
-Thank you...- even though he didn't look his best this particular afternoon, due to the sleep deprivation and stress, the lady was clearly taken aback by his looks; and almost seemed more interested in him than the money he had promised her.
For a few minutes Namjoon was shown a number of units in at least 3 floors, but none of them in yours. He was getting impatient and the fact that Rowena kept making so many questions made it even worse...
-Do you have anything on the 35th floor?- he finally snapped causing a puzzled reaction in her...
-No, not at the moment...- she responded nervously as he got close to her -... is there a reason why you'd like something in that particular floor?
Namjoon got even closer, close enough for her to feel his ripped chest against her breasts and for her to smell his luxurious scent. Her heart started beating fast as he cornered her against the wall of the hallway, and she sensed something metallic poking her in the stomach.
He leaned slightly to kiss her neck and conceal her from the only camera in that corner of the hall, while his hand covered her mouth as soon as she tried to say something.
-Listen honey, I don't like to hurt women, so why don't you give me that key card and I'll take you back to your office?
She nodded frantically once she corroborated that there was in fact, a gun pointing at her belly. After a few minutes she was handcuffed to her office chair... In the dark so that the cameras wouldn't notice her, and a wad of cash had been left in her lap. Hopefully one of the security guards will hear her screaming in one of their rounds, but as of now, all she could do was wait in the dark.
Namjoon set off to the elevator and when it opened its doors on the 35th floor he could feel his body shaking with anticipation. Only you could cause this in him, only you could make his heart pump with the strength it was pumping right now... He knew you would be scared to see him, and with reason since he was still mad at you; but more than anything he needed to have you in his arms. Everything else was secondary, one thing at a time...
He's standing in front of your door but he doesn't bother knocking, why? So you could try to escape once you saw him through the peephole? No.
He shoots the lock a couple of times and kicks the door down to find you looking gorgeous next to that motherfucker on the couch. Rage is what he feels, "Why are you wearing his shirt and that diamond ring on your finger? WHY?!!"

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