I said what I felt right but again they weren't satisfied.

Then the door bursted and I saw the only person on whom I could rely on. Namjoon came in and took his seat. He said," I could pay you for your loss, just name it."

Mr. Yoon said," It's not about the money but responsibility. We can't bear to hand our earning in a hand of a newbie just because she is his sister. That's nepotism!"

"But she's capable."

"Then ask her to prove it. We want double of our money back within one week!"

"That's impossible. The loss is around billions if we include everyones, she can't do it on her own."

"We don't care, half of the investors were intelligent enough that they already withdrew from the company. You said she's capable then show it to us, how capable she is."

He sarcastically said and stood up followed by others before they marched out of the room, leaving me terrified on my spot.

Namjoon held my shoulder and asked," Are you okay?" I nodded but only I knew what was going on within me.

Seokjin was no longer interested in business, he wanted to spend his quality time with his son but thata didn't mean he didn't cared about his company.

It was his hardwork and I could not let it get ruined by any means. Not by me. Not by anyone.

I couldn't let oppa know about this loss. I couldn't disappoint him. He believed in me that's why he handed this position to me.

Tears welled up in my eyes. Despite of showing how strong I was in front of those people but in silence I was all alone with insecurities because it was impossible to recover the money but I had to do it. No matter what.

I took a deep breath then stood up from the chair. Namjoon too stood up and followed my retracing figure to my cabin.

I came in and called my secretary while Namjoon sat across me. Soon that man came and bowed at us.

"Collect the data of the latest deals we still have in our hands. I also want you to arrange a meeting with Mr. Choi."

"Tomorrow all the information will be in your hands and as far as meeting Mr. Choi, you can meet him tomorrow. He is throwing a success party at his house."

Namjoon grinned," We got a good timing." I hummed before standing up. Standing in front of the glass wall I shoved my hands in the pocket and looked out to the busy city.

Drown in my own thoughts on how to execute a perfect plan because it wasn't an easy task to fill their wallets within a month.

"Relax, you know you can do this." I turned around and sighed looking at the worried Namjoon. "If only he would spare me."

" I don't understand."

"Since two months everything was going fine but then a week back I heard some rumours about someone trying to buy our shareholders. I shrugged it thinking that maybe it was actually some fake news but then last week people started arguing with management team until now I discovered they left."

" Are you suspicious of someone? Is he someone you know? Do I know him?"

I nodded." I am not sure but the way these all are going on makes me suspicious of him. He bought them and now we are left with nothing but debts."

"Are you sure it's Jungkook? Maybe I could talk things out with him." Namjoon suggested me but I denied.

I scoffed with bitterness and said," I don't think he'll solve anything even if we beg him. He hates me, so let's not complicate this anymore."

"But not negotiating things would only harm us, especially you." He exclaimed.

" That is why I want to meet Mr. Choi. He is really a good person on whom I could rely on. If he agrees for a partnership with us then maybe we could return the money back on time."

"Yeah, I will go apply for loan then along with my and Mr. Choi's money we could actually stabilize the company."

"For sure."

Namjoon excused himself while I again turned towards the beautiful view. I sulked when I looked up at the bright sky with smooth white clouds. It was supposed to be a peaceful day but everything for me was ruined.

It was five o'clock in the evening when I got a call from Namjoon. I impatiently received it as his further words decided the future.

"Did you get it?" I asked in hurry because it was really important.

"I.. I.. I think we should try some other ways..."

My eyes widened as I heard him nervously shutter. I gulped and said," Tell me the truth."

He sighed from the other side and said," They denied to give us a loan. They said that our amount was big and we didn't had any collateral to hand them, so they cannot help us."

My breath hitched as I held my temple. He said," Now the only person we could hope from is Mr. Choi." He cutted the call and I looked out.

"I hope tomorrow everything's gonna be fine."

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Omg BTS members made their official accounts on Instagram. Djsjsksbb!🤯 I am busy stalking them. Until then you enjoy reading.

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