1. New beginning.

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The irritating sound of my alarm wakes me up its fifteen minutes past six.

I stretch my hand to my bedside table and turn it off before lying on my back facing the ceiling,another day of my life,i think to myself smiling sarcastically.

I am not being ungreatfull or anything,on the contrary,i am very greatful to Mrs. Rossa for giving me a chance to work at her fruitshop.

I am Lucky i get to pay my rent and have food on my table and if it were not for her,meibe rightnow i would be roaming on the sreets,who knows?but...

This was not what i envisioned my life to be like when i was a kid or more to say,this was not what my parents envisioned for me.

My work at Rossa's is to clean and sometimes help her with the fruit packaging or even slicing the fruits into sweet fruit salads for her customers.

The fruitshop is not that big,but everyday i am surprised by the nomber of loyal customers she has.

If only i could get myself a good job and a good cheque for my self and see if i could join a good collage or something,but who would give that to a highschool graduate with no experience at all?.

I slowly drag myself out of the comfort of my bed to my bathroom,i finish all my morning routine before deciding what to wear for the day.
Luckily i do not need to wear official clothes to Rossa's so i settle with blue skinny jeans with a white tee,i put my hair in a back ponytail and throw on a cape and complite my look with my white snickers.
I love snickers,probably the only type of shoes i have and used to.

Since today i am a little early,i decide to have my breakfast.
I settle for pancakes and a cup of coffee and after finishing my breakfast i rinse my cup,curry my backpack grub my hoodie and my keys before walking out of my apartment.

I walk into the fruitshop and as always i find Mrs.Rossa.She has always been an early riser and the most hardworking person i have ever come across.

"Goodmorning Mrs.Rosa".

"Goodmorning Emma,but how many times should i tell you to just drop the formalities,I'd be so happy
if you called me Rossa"

she says while moving from
the counter where she was and heading back to the
pantry with a notebook and a pen on her hand while
scribbling what i assume is the records of the fruits.

"Ok,i will remember that next time.Rossa".

"I am sure you will Emma."she replies

and i could clearly hear the sarcasm in her voice obviously because we have been having this conversation multiple times since i started working here four months ago.

"How is your search for a whitecollar job going?any luck yet?"

"Non yet" i tell her as i finish hunging my backpack and putting on my uproan.."And i am not looking for a whitecollarjob Rossa"I tell her almost rolling my eyes at her choice of word "i am looking for a well paying job,no offence..."

"Non taken,and i am sure you will find one,just keep on doing what you do and you woun't be dissapointed".

"I hope so."i tell her although i was telling it more to myself.

i was busy cleaning the countertop when i spot Barry walking in the fruitshop,Barry is in his mid twenties. Rossa's delivery guy,he delivers fruits to few different companies for the employees..although not too far distances.With his broad shoulders,curly brown hair,and emerald green eyes he surely was a very good looking atractive guy who attracted so many girls and that explains his cockiness.He is the only friend i have rightnow,he is cool,kind hearted and always nice to me,we hung around together sometimes and lets say he is a comfortable human to hung around with.

"Morning miss fruits,"

"Don't call me that" I warn him with a glare,he ignores my replay and waves his hand at Rossa.

"Morning Barry"

"Hey,Berry,if you hear anything about a job vacancy in any of those offices let Emma know"

"You are looking for another job?"Barry asks turning all his attention towards me.

"yea...i...just nee...."

"She is...,apparently this is not a well paying job for her"I was cut off by Rossa.

"You know that's not what i mean Rossa,i just need a couple of more extra cents,and besides,I'm not quitting on you guys"

"You could have told me earlier,there is a three opening at Alasdair and Co-,they are looking for a secritary,cleaner and a P.A or something like that but i would advice if you don't try for the P.A...."

"Why? is the P.A not paid well enough?,i read somewhere that P.A's get some good fat cheques...."

"Its not about the money Dee,i mean don't you know the CEO of the Alasdair and co-? the guy is a complete cold,spoilt,insolent bastard who for some reason thinks,since he has always had it on a silver platter,he is the sun and that the world revolves around him"

"Wow,that's deep,you sounded like you personally know him...oooh and for me,its about the money"

"No i don't know him personally,I've heard about him and let me tell yo...."

"ooh,You've heard about him,so its a rumour.." i cut him off

"Yea...yes..well no...,ok...call it a rumor or whatever either way there is always some truth in every rumor,you know,like two sides of a coin....."

"What are you talking about? what does a coin have to..."

"That's enough the both of you" Mrs.Rossa spoke,she place the book and pen in a small shelf,and starts towards us with arms akimbo. "You two always find something to argue about" She turns her attention to Barry.

"Barry,just give her the information and let her try her luck"

"ok,ill try and ask the receptionist all the info,ill let you know before the end of the day" he turns towards me with a smile plasterd on his face.

"Thank you"

"You are welcome Miss Fruits"

"No,seriously,don't call me that"

"Barry just take that box of apple and deliver it to Mrs Judes and stop refering Dee-Dee as Fruits"

"ok Rossa"

Rossa went to cutting the fruits and Barry started towards the box of apple and carried them before turning towards me and mouthing "Miss Fruits"before he walked out of the fruitshop.I just roll my eyes and continue cleaning the rest of the shop with hope that i get the job.

Barry can be annoying and we can be on each other's necks at times but we care about eachother.

I think i like him and i care about him,

just like he does,i consider him my friend

He is my friend.

You are free to recommend a song i can upload on one of the chapters❤

Phimora Thnewski💜💜

at first i had used the name Diana as the main characters name but decided to change it to Emma,so dont get confused.But i use Diana as her middle name now.Deedee.💜💜💜

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