"It's my job to ensure the well-being of each initiate," he responded like he was repeating it from a handbook or something. I could tell he was lying.

"You still look really uncomfortable in that chair," I scooted over and patted the area next to me. I really did feel bad that he was sitting in that chair all night.

"No, it's okay. You need the rest more than I do," he started to say.

"I insist. Please. For me and my well-being?" I asked trying to lighten the mood. He finally stood up and climbed in next to me. He looked like he was kind of tense and awkward so I put my hand on his chest to make him relax. We were both facing each other and even through the dark, I could see a smirk tug at his lips. But that was the last thing I saw as I drifted into a nice sleep.


I wake up and try to sit up but my hip is like dead weight right now. No wait, that's a hand. Oh ya! Eric was still laying with me. I stared at him for a little bit, taking in everything about him. He was very good looking and I know there's more to him than that ruthless image he portrays to be.

Eric stirred and opened his eyes, which immediately met mine. I gave him a small smile which he returned but then he realized his hand was still on my hip.

"Oh. Um. Sorry," his morning raspy voice was very sexy. As he moved his hand I didn't know what to say so I smiled and my heartbeat picked up. I had butterflies in my stomach just looking at him.

"I'll go get the nurse," he got up, heading towards the door.

"Ok," I tried to sit up but it took some time. The nurse walked in, I think Victoria was her name, with a bottle of pills and a glass of water. Right behind her was Eric.

"Ok Sophia. How are you feeling?" She asked picking up her clipboard.

"My head and neck hurt and my body is a little sore," I replied, rubbing my neck.

"Here take these for you head," she handed me pills and water," and I'm going to need to look at your back and stomach for bruises," she gave me a look, asking for aprroval mixed with sympathy.

"Ok," she looked back at Eric and it looked like she attempted to shew him away. He refused, not moving from his spot, but they were clearly arguing. I think, because Victoria wants to make it easier for me to take my shirt off. I literally didn't even care that Eric was here I just wanted treatment.

I sat up, my back to them, who are still bickering, and removed my shirt while sarcastically saying, "It's ok. No need to rush. Just a patient needing treatment over here. Go ahead. Take your time."

They seemed to stop and Victoria walked over. "Well you have a couple small bruises on your back but it looks like you have a major bruise on your side that carries over to your lower stomach," she observed my torso. She walked over to a cabinet and got a bottle of cream out. "So I'm going to rub some of this on. It's an Erudite cream that heals injuries faster." The cream was cold but felt good on my skin. When she finished rubbing it on she said, "You are good to go, Sophia." I put my shirt back on and followed Eric out the door. We were walking for some time when I finally spoke up, "You don't have to walk me back, you know."

He was quiet like he was thinking then said, "I have to protect your well-being, remember?" He smirked.

I smiled back remembering the conversation last night. "What time is it?" I wanted to know where my friends Jake and Anna were. They were probably making out somewhere.

He checked his watch then said, "11:45." Breakfast finished 45 minutes ago. Great. I was starving! As if on cue, my stomach grumbled and Eric looked at me. "I don't have food at my apartment but I can talk the lunch lady into giving me something, if you'd like."

"I would love some food," my stomach grumbled again.

"I can see that," Eric smirked, "Let's go," Eric gestured for me to follow him. We got to the lunch room and he ordered us some pancakes and bacon left from breakfast.

As we were eating I attempted to make a conversation, "So tell me. What kinds of leaders stuff do leaders do on days like this."

"Well, some fill out paper work while some roam the city. Nothing special," he shrugged.

"So then what do you get to do today?" I wanted to get to know him and be the one to break him and to do that, I had to know everything.

"That's the great part. Nothing!" He had an actual smile on his face and I like it. It was very genuine and real. We finished eating and I eventually made it back to the dorm after Eric walked me back. "Thank you for everything," I smiled at him.

"No problem," he gave me a nod and walked off. I walked into the dorms and man did I call it. Jake and Anna were making out on Jake's bed. It was nice to see them happy but ew.

"Hey guys," I'm pretty sure I sounded really awkward. They broke apart, both red faces from embarrassment.

"Hey," they said weakly.

"What do you guys plan on doing today?" I was now sitting on my bed, across from them.

"Ooh! I heard there is going to be a big party in the pit tonight and everybody is going to be there! Maybe we can find you a boy!" Anna squealed.

"I don't have anything to wear so I guess I can't go," truth was I didn't really want to go. Partying means alcohol and alcohol is nothing but trouble. That's how my mom died. My dad drank too much one night and got angry because she wouldn't take a shower with him. He thought it was because she was into another man but he was just drunk. Next thing I knew she was gone.

"I guess we will just have to go shopping then!" She squealed again. I groaned as she kissed Jake goodbye and dragged me out the dorms.

After a long afternoon of shopping we were finishing dinner when I looked up and met the only pair of gray eyes I knew. Eric was at the leaders table staring at me. I was staring at him too but I looked away not wanting the attention from my friends about Eric.

Anna quickly pulled me from the table and to the dorms to get me dressed. She was repeatedly saying we were running out of time. After doing our hair, she did our make up then she let me put my dress on. I had gotten a tight black dress that stopped mid thigh. It had a V neck that wasn't too flashy and it showed off my small curves. I topped it off with some black wedges.

"Perfect!" She squealed. "Now. Let's go party!"

I am so sorry I haven't updated I feel horrible. I know I said I would update a lot but what I didn't realize was that my grade was starting to forecast our classes for high school already and basketball starts on Monday so although I'm going to be busy, I will always update at least every Friday. And thank you to everyone who has voted and read this! Please keep commenting and voting and reading!

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