Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Hows your dick? Are my nails still imprinted in it?" Aurora chose to ignore his snide comment and opt for a more cheeky one herself, not wanting it to show that he was slightly affecting her. Synns ears perked up at their conversation. He stood up and looked at Noah to see him glaring at her. He stepped in front of her, not liking his audacity to look at her that way. He hated this son of a bitch and now that he knew there was a slimy side to him as well, his hatred grew stronger. Even stronger than his annoyance for Aurora...

"The Freak has some balls, ay" Noah taunted, cocking a brow at Synn. "Hows daddy doing?" Synns went to step forward again at his comment but paused. He stared at him, and slowly began to picture his wounded body, unrecognisable in front of him. He would get his chance, tomorrow. His fists clenched in desire, nearly wailing to carry it out now, but he held himself back. He wouldn't get a million dollars for doing it here. Instead, Synn cocked his head to the side.

"I wouldn't know, your slag of a mother might though" Synn said bluntly. At the mention of his mother Noah's smirk dropped.

"Ooooh, period!" Aurora exclaimed with sass lacing her tone. She popped her hip and clicked her finger as she did so. Both guys turned to look at her dumbly. Aurora gathered herself and looked at Synn with a wide grin.

"Did I use that right?" She asked, seeking his approval on her usage of American slang. She felt it was the right time but by they way the two- well one- were looking at her, she wasn't so confident anymore. Synn couldn't help the slight pull on his lips. She looked so proud, he nearly didn't want to crush her accomplished smile. Nearly.

"Not really" He deadpanned. Auroras shoulders slumped and she began muttering to herself about how stupid American slang is.

"I'm going to have to ask you all to leave. I warned you once, I shouldn't have to ask again" All three heads turned to look at the same librarian that had scolded Aurora and Synn earlier. Synn rolled his eyes and scoffed. He grabbed his bag slung o the floor and threw it over his shoulder, walking away but not before shoving Noah's shoulder as he did so. Aurora sneered quietly to herself when Noah stumbled back unexpectedly.

Aurora followed close after him, wiggling her fingers in a taunting wave to Noah, to which he could only roll his eyes. He was disgusted seeing the two together. She was his little plaything. He needed her if he wanted to earn a name for himself in this industry. His father promised him he would get that. Never did he think Synn Reeds could be the one to stop that. He would never let him though. Tomorrow night was the gala at the Kings house. Already he was planning in his head the conversation he would have with Levi Kings to drop the hint about his little sisters little rendezvous with the Freak. Surely he wouldn't be happy about that.


Aurora entered the grand room, almost like a ball room, where the gala would be held tomorrow night. There was florists decorating tables, maids cleaning the place, barman setting up the bar and many more. She looked out of place in this luxurious room, dressed in white socks, Isaac's hoodie and a pair of spandex shorts. She felt cute though so she didn't care. She caught sight of Isaac at the far end of the room, talking to a man and women. She decided to go over and annoy him.

"Hello" She grinned, hoping up into the table beside him. Isaac looked down at his little sisters innocent smile and couldn't help but smile himself. He was glad to see her seemingly back to herself again, he was really beginning to worry about her. They all were. He excused himself briefly and turned to give her his attention.

"Oh sorry, ya could have continued your conversation, I just wanted to say hi" Aurora explained sheepishly. Isaac waved her off.

"Nonsense, you are more important, mio caro"

"Good answer"

Isaac rolled his eyes at her response. Aurora looked down at his hands and seen a clipboard gripped tightly. Trust Isaac to be that organised.

"What's this?" She asked, whipping it from her hands. She began looking at it and seen a list of names. Auroras eyes skimmed the list until they landed on a certain name.

"The guest list"

"Why the hell is Noah invited?" Aurora asked seriously. Isaac's face dropped when he realised. Alaric had suggested they invite the Knights to keep things civil for the moment until they had alliances. He reasoned that they couldn't afford enemies before alliances. It took some convincing on all of their parts, but they also knew it was in there own home where they would have control over everything and already had a schedule in place to ensure one of them would be with her at all times. Isaac knew this wouldn't pass as a good excuse for Aurora.

"Whatever about seeing him in school, but I thought Levi said he wouldn't be invited here again. I'm not scared of him Isaac, but I don't appreciate how ye would welcome him here again" Aurora felt slightly betrayed by her brothers actions. Isaac's heart broke at the disheartened tone in her voice. She looked up at him with her sparkling hazel and blue eyes and he was suddenly overwhelmed with guilt. Unlike Levi and Alaric, Isaac always caved and could never hold his composure when she did this. If Levi was here, he would handle it better.

"Look Aurora, we know what we are doing, I promise. Alaric thought-" before Isaac could finish his sentence, Aurora hopped down off the table.

"Alaric thinks he has a say in this? That man couldn't give a fuck" She snapped. Alaric was the one acting like he gave a fuck about her friendship with Sunshine, acting concerned, and then he goes and does shit like this.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Aurora looked past Isaac and seen Alaric sauntering in, eating an orange while he looked around the hall.

"Ya little prick!" Aurora yelled marching over to the guy who remained clueless. Isaac's eyes widened and he hurried after her. She went to lunge for him but was quickly caught by Isaac, grabbing her by her waist and spinning his around until he held her firmly against his chest. Alaric looked at the two with a frown, slightly confused but unfazed as to why his sister was looking at him with a deadly look. She continued to jump and wiggle in Isaac's grip, but never got closer to her target.

"Ya little blue balled bastard. Pretending ya actually give a shit about me then invite another little wanker into my home. It's like you're asking me to skin you alive and make coats from your skin and pop every blood vessel in each of your organs. That orange won't be the only thing with juice squeezing from it ya bleedin'-" Aurora was cut off when Alaric stuffed the rest of the orange in her mouth. Her eyes blazed with anger as she look at his bored expression. Isaac's eyes widened in horror. She spat the orange out and quickly ripped Isaac's arms from around her waist while he was too stunned and went for Aaric. She swung her leg back and kicked him straight in the balls unexpectedly. Alaric eyes bulges and he dropped to his knees at the excruciating pain.

"Blue balled bastard" She muttered under her breath. She collected herself then walked out with her head held high, leaving one brother in shock and the other wondering if he is still capable of having kids.


Sorry for the late update!!

Just got back from seeing Spider Man No Way Home.....

Any other Marvel fans??

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