Dont go ✔️

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Just thought I'd say. If you don't like what I write about then don't read it.
If you don't like the meaning of my chapters then don't read it

I put a warning on the sensitive chapters and if you see that and continue reading it. I HAVE WARNED YOU. There is nothing else I can do, it is your fault for reading it knowing you are uncomfortable

So please don't comment blaming me for writing about it. You have a choice to read it or not, so don't comment saying I shouldn't of wrote it and how can I write things like that.

If you don't like it, listen to the warning and then leave, don't continue reading.

Please and thank you :)

⚠️ suicide ⚠️

I knock on the door of my best friends house even if she tells me to walk in as I please

I stand there for a minute before getting bored and open the door and walk through after taking me shoes

"Billie if you are anything but asleep, you have no excuse not to open the door to your favourite person ypu could ever ask for!" I yelled but all I heard was silence

I raise an eyebrow as Billie is a really light sleeper and walk through the house checking every room until I reached the bathroom

"Are you taking a shit?" I asked and pushed the door open only to see her stood there with a blade in hand holding it to her wrist

"What are you doing?!" I yelled in shock

"I'm done here, I'm done in this body, this life" she sniffled but still gave me a smile

"No you aren't" I stated

"What more is there for me? My parents are dead, my brother is dead, all I'm worth is being abused by my boyfriend. I have no reason to be here" she sobbed

"There's me atleast" I begged

"You deserve better, I'm just a burden on you, a waste of time" she shook her head

"Well maybe I was to waste my time more! I'm not done with you Billie!" I yelled and let the tears hit me

"Your time is cut short, sorry" she shrugged but I shook my head

"I can't live without you Billie, your my best friend" I convinced her as I tried to step forward but she just stepped back

" yes you can. Go out there, find the girl of your dreams. Like you'd always tell me about, get married and have little babies, call one Billie if you remember me" she nodded and explained

"I can't do that without you! You have to be there, like we always planned" I cried

"Name one good enough reason, I shouldn't do this" she cried

"Because I'm in love with you!" I yelled

"What?" She asked as a whisper

"Your the Girl of my dreams! For five years, your the girl I want to marry and have little babies with Billie. It's always been you" I screamed while going up to her and grabbing her hands and grabbing the blade throwing it in the toilet

"It's you, and I won't let you leave until we have our happy ever after!" I yelled in her face

She just stared at me blankly before falling in my arms sobbing as I held her closely

"That's it, your safe"  I whispered as I lifted her into my arms as she sobbed

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" she sobbed

"No, don't be sorry baby. I'm sorry for not realising" I shook my head as I carried her into her bedroom and laid us down on her bed gently

Again, didn't finish but I think I like it short

Billie eilish imagines 🔥Where stories live. Discover now