So is this a dream ?

I stood up, steadying myself by putting my hand on the wall next to me.

I heard a light sound coming from the door.

An above all of it, was I becoming paranoid ?

Maybe not actually, because the door really opened, and there was no ghost behind it : but a real person.

It was a guard.

And not a random guard : it was the one who guarded my room, the one who apologized to me once, calling me your Majesty .

I stood there looking at him, as he was looking at me.

I tried to pinch myself, checking if I was dreaming or not.

And I felt the pain on my arm, because of the too strong pinch.

The rebel guard then did something I never excepted someone like him to do : he bowed.

" Your Majesty." He whispered. " I need to talk to you."
" Who are you ?" I asked quietly " I know you guard my room, but what do you want from me ?"
" I want you in safety, your Majesty. I want the dissolution of the castes but I want the monarchy too." He explained, as he entered the  room and closed the door behind him. " We don't have much time." He said

I didn't move.
It was surely a trap.

" I know you don't trust me, your Majesty. I can see it in your eyes. That's why I am going to tell you who I am." he begun " long story short : I was born in Zuni, as a six. One day, the rebels came in every single houses of the lower castes and kidnapped the children. Their goal was to teach them all about the fact that the monarchy was wrong and that we needed to be part of this group of rebels, the NMC's, and help them achieve their goal and chase the royal family."

They kidnapped children ?
I haven't heard about this ?
Well, this man was probably in his twenties, so it must have happened when I was a child myself.

" They raised me like all these rebels, and if I wanted to live, I had to act like one of them. But of course I have always been against their way of thinking : they are cruel, and would be terrible leaders. A few months ago, I heard that they killed all my family. When I discovered they wanted to kidnap you, I proposed to be one of your room guards. And here I am today." He paused.

I didn't know what to say.
Could I trust him ?
Was he telling the truth or was I going to be hurt again ?

" If you still don't trust me your Majesty, I thought I could give you an important information to prove my intention toward you : they want to trigger your childbirth." He told me

I gasped.

" It's true, your Majesty. And once you gave birth, I am sorry to say, but they will kill the heirs, you children... and kill them in front of all Illéa by hacking the programmation system like tonight." He continued, pain in his eyes.
" I-I... I can't trust you." I stammered
" I understand my queen, but it's now or never : I think an escape plan would be too dangerous, so I thought bout saving you from the outside." I exclaimed
"What do you mean ?" I asked, starting to listen to what he had to proposed to me.
" Well, since the first day you arrived, I tried to get in touch with the palace. Like an inside spy. It's complicated, because no one needs to know about it. But I'm almost there." He exclaimed

Could I really trust him then ?
Maybe he was really on my side, willing to help me escape and stop these people ?

" Do you mean that you are trying to get in touch with Max.. I mean the king ?" I asked him, interested in his proposition
" Yes, your Majesty. And once I finally do it, the rescue plan would start." He replied

" Ahren ? Hey man, where are you ?" Someone asked from the hallway.

" That is George, the other guard with me. He isn't bad. I need to go, but I will speak with you again you Majesty. Stay strong. For the country." The guard, who was called Ahren said.
" Okay..." I replied.

He left quickly, leaving me in the room alone again.

If he really was willing to help me, maybe I could get back to the palace and see Maxon again.
Maybe I will be able to give birth in normal conditions.

That could happen only if Ahren really had good intentions.

This is the word which kept coming back in my mind as I fell asleep on the floor.


Maybe maybe America.
We don't know...
At least you don't know, I do.
If you want to help America, vote and comment ! ;)

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