Chapter 40

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Walking into this house made me feel weird. I should of listened to Wesley and stayed at the ward. At least at the ward I was stronger and I could protect Wesley. But now it's the complete opposite. I'm fragile and I look skinny and weak. I even feel some of my hair falling out. It almost feels like I'm dying. I drag my body up the stairs into the kitchen. I see Wesley though I try to hide I have a feeling he knows I'm here. I try to hide behind the wall but he just comes out of the kitchen with...glasses? I can't like he does look more sophisticated and hot. So tall and handsome like a real life prince. "We need to talk." He says walking away not even looking back at me once! "Uh ok." I follow behind him like a real feminine girl. I pretend as if I have long silk wavy hair. And fair skin with bright colored eyes. And a smile just to die for. I skip behind him.

Once we reached his room he opened the door and sat down on his bed without looking at me still. "You look a hot mess." He spat. I widened my eyes and left my mouth hanging. "I..I know I don't know whats been going on lately."'I said. "I like your new look with the glasses and everything." I complimented him. He smiled to himself. "It's actually not new I discovered I wore glasses as a child." Fuck how did he find that out. "Oh yea makes sense." It got quiet for awhile. "You told me you haven't known me since I was born right?" My heart is skipping what is he trying to do? "Yea I..I haven't." Maybe I should just stay quiet. "So
Ada when did you meet me? ." He was calm but I know he was thinking a whole lot. I stayed quiet.

He chuckled bitterly to himself again and took off the glasses and broke them and threw them on the floor right in front of me. He got up and walked up to me standing close. "You see Adamma I would love to spend the rest of my life running around in circles but unfortunately neither you or me have time for that nor the sanity. Whatever hold you thought you had on me you don't and it is vanishing away with each miserable day you spend on this earth. Now...I'm going to ask you a simple fucking question and all you have to say is yes or no. We're you involved with those killings?"
I couldn't speak I couldn't tell Wesley that I was the one who killed his family. I couldn't tell Wesley that I was the one who got locked up in a ward. I couldn't tell Wesley that I was the one who ruined his life! I couldn't tell Wesley that I burned the whole house on his birthday out of jealousy! I couldn't tell him that to his eyes. I just couldn't!

"Adamma?" He asked. Snapping me back into reality. I just stayed quiet. Tears were beginning to fall The water in my eyes were blocking my vision as I was trying to take one good look at him before I leave. "Adamma? Answer me!" I smiled and touched his face. "Fuck ADAMMA ANSWER ME!" "IT WASN'T YOU AS IT!?" He caressed my
Cheeks with both of his hands. "Look at me! All you have to say is no. Ok? That's it just say no. Ok?" He stared at me in my eyes. "Please say no!" He yelled. I could lie but he was going to find out eventually look at all the other things he found out it was meant to happen this was fate..our fate. Lovers to be torn apart. "You have to say no! Adamma! Please!" We were nothing holding each other's faces. I removed Wesley off of me. And walked out of his room. Wesley didn't need me anymore it was clear as day. I hope when he does find out the truth I hope it helps him to grow. He going to be a good man and have a beautiful wife and kids and..I find my self crying again.

I refuse to believe
it can't be her 
It just can't.

Book 2 : Don't Be CruelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ