Chapter 10

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Now who would of thought I would be living like this. Like.. a princess. I mean I know I'm far from it. I plopped myself right on the bed and felt the sheets and..smelled them. And boy oh boy they smelt amazing. I stayed onto the bed for a little while before remembering Wesley was waiting for me. "Crap!" I shouted before zooming towards the closet. I skimmed through a lot of clothes until I found a cream colored satin dress that caught my eye. I took it out and smiled.

After a while I walked downstairs barefoot of course. I can't lie It did take longer because I was getting so distracted with the art on the walls and floors. Once I was down stairs I came towards the dining room where it was only Wesley and grandparents. Sitting on that long ass table. I slapped my hand on my forehead. "White people." I mumbled. As the table was was nearly empty the funny part of it there were like ten maids standing next to the table that could easily fit all of them. They all wore a blue uniform.

What pleases me was they were of all different races. Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, it brought great pleasure to me. You know deep down in the back if they're heads, they knew, They were were all here for one very, very,very important purpose. To I stepped down from the steps and went towards the dining room. Wesley stared at me with wide eyes and his mouth hung open. "Yo.." he started. "You.." he said. Ugh what is wrong with him. "Jeez Wesley take a picture it will linger." I said sitting down. "Your in the way of the BROWN SUGAR GLAZED HAM!!!" He squealed. Oh my god did he just squeal?"

"And it's take a picture it will last longer not linger." He said cutting the ham. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes. I'm still new to this.


Did i just squealed for some ham? Yes I did. Will I apologize?  Absolutely not. It's been to long since I had brown sugar glazed ham melting in my mouth. I could feel my mouth druling over the food I front of me. The food looked so good. This was like a dinner for a king! Am I dreaming I have to be dreaming!

I took my fork to dive in. Just then someone's voice stopped me. "Ah ah ah" I looked over to see the old lady smiling. "Don't you want to get to know the maids before you ear darling? They're all eager to meet you?" She smiled. I looked over to the old man. Who was nodding and agreeing. Then I looked over to the maids who were standing in one line near the dining table. They all were smiling happily. Especially the small girl who I had talked to earlier.

I looked over to Ada who was chomping away. Smiling evilly at me. I rolled my eyes at her a looked away. My eyes then went back to her as she was moaning and groaning about how good the food was. "Oh my god this is just SOO good." She rolled her eyes back. "Mmmm I love this!" She exclaimed. "Would you like some? Ohhh I forgot, sorry." She laughed. I frowned at her. "Really." I mouthed.  "What was that? I can't hear you over this satisfying taste of the ham." She leaned her head back chewing. Have you ever seen a grown man cry? Well yes I was about to cry  over ham and what! Don't you dare judge!

"Well now  we will introduce them one by one." The old women said. ONE BY ONE what the fuck! How long do they think I can starve! I slumped back a little in my chair and watched.

The First Lady was tall and had smooth brown skin she had curly hair all the way to her back. Less curlier then Ada. Ada had hair like sheep's wool plus it stood up. Enough about Ada! Anyways she was pretty tall. "Hello mr betto! I am Nara My job is to take care of bathrooms if you ever need me to clean your bathroom you can always dial me." She smiled and winked at me and I went to go and sit back down.

Well maybe this isn't all bad.

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