Chapter 23

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The girl ran  towards the table  and sat down with aggression. "Hi!" "Hi" she said excitedly shaking Wesleys hand twice. Wesley mouth hung open for quick second. The girl had brown curly hair and glasses you wouldn't believe a white girl was the scholarship kid they were talking about. "The names Rachel and I'm sure you met aaron already!" She said happily. "Yes yes  Rae they met me." Aaron rolled his eyes. She sat down on the seat as welsey followed.  "I'm the scholarship kid everyone talks about hopefully that's ok and don't scare you off." She smiles.  I smile as well due to habit. Wesley catches  this and half smiles
As well.

I look behind the girl to see the other girl laughing and glaring . That's when the other girl we saw in the first class quickly stand up.
Smiling back at her friends. She walks towards
Our table and stands beside Wesley. Bends down to whisper something in his ear.
I notice Rae smile changes and she looks sad and defeated. She pulls away and smiles. Wesley turns to me for a moment.
And smiled then looks back back up to the red haired girl. And spit in her face. And that was it I began laughing so hard.

Aaron and Rae cover theyre mouths out of shocked. But I'm still laughing. "What the fuck!" She screamed and cried. Her friends ran over to her safety. "Oh my god Jess you ok?"
"Why would you do that you bastard!" They screamed. That was when a big built guy with the shoulders of two doors coming barging through the group of people. We get compared to animals but I swear if you told me a cow was his great ancestor I would believe it. "You fucking freak show!" He yelled still trying to make his way through the crowd.

"Uh oh" Rae said I looked up to see the blonde cow with rock shoulders coming through. He rushed at Wesley and punched him square in the jaw. I sat down and watched I didn't want to do  anything because it seemed Wesley was holding his own against him. Since Wesley was on too now and the cow boy was scrawling his hands  protecting his face.


In what fucking world does this guy think he can beat up a psycho who just came out of an asylum for murdering his family and others. I was punching him hard in the face aiming for breaking his skull. He wouldn't have suffered if only he would of just mind his business. I probably spit on the girl he was fucking she's seems like that type. Too bad for him
He's protecting someone who seems him just as a number, I'm going to guess number 45?

That's when I heard the bell again, RRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrriinggg!!!
I sat down onto the hill carrying him on my should the red haired boy with freckles. "We really got our asses handed to us huh?" He laughed. I turned to him and half smiled. "Yea." I dont know who he is but he looks young. "I told ya Matt and his slaves are
Not someone to mess with." Whoever this Matt was he sure was right the boy looked badly beat up. "I didn't mean to get into all this Wes." He looked up with guilt in his eyes. Me? In all what? I felt something dripping onto my face. I took my other hand and rubbed it seeing blood on it.

"Your a real friend Wes." He smiled. "And yes I'll let you be Superman for a
Week." He laughed. I didn't understand what was going on but I liked it.

Remember when I said you won't see the people who hurt you ever again?

Remember when I said you won't see the people who hurt you ever again?

Remember when I said you won't see the people who hurt you ever again?

Remember when I said you won't see the people who hurt you ever again?


I held my head from the pounding that I felt from it. I opened my eyes and staring at Ada standing in front of the guy. He holding onto his leg  and wincing in pain....She broke his leg.


I won't let anyone hurt Wesley ever again  and I mean it.

Book 2 : Don't Be CruelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora