Chapter 3

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It was a Saturday so it was time for everyone to be release to the day room. Me and my pubescent roommate was  being led by a nurse. All he was doing was mumbling on the side of me. I didn't really do anything in the day room I kind of sat there reading my book in the far off corner. Others played cards, chess, and talked to themselves. Others cause trouble for the nurses. The nurses would smoke and pick on patients and the person who did this quite often was John he always has a field day when it's time for us to go into the day room.

As I was walking I suddenly felt a tap on my right shoulder. "Hey I didn't really mean what I said yesterday I kinda was in a grumpy mood I don't really wanna be here." He said looking around. "It's fine." I said. "The names Alfred yours?" He said. "Wesley." Jus then he thought for a moment and his eyes widened. "Woah sick! Your not that boy who killed his whole family! And the three boys were you?!" God I wish he would shut up. I turned away form him. "My bad." He said rubbing the back of his neck. Walking in John walked up to me and Alfred.

"Well we'll well look who we have here silent killer has a sidekick." John mocked. Just as I was about to say something Alfred stepped in front of me. "Leave him alone he didn't do anything." John looked down and laughed a little. Can't lie my ego was hurt...just a little though. John laughed and walked away to the other side of the room. I went into the corner and sat down and read my book. "That's it?" Alfred said standing in front of me.

I looked up at him and raised and eyebrow. "No thankyou?" This brat. "Thanks." I said then put my head back down to read the book. "Soooooo." He said walking around me. I rolled my eyes a little. And tried to ignore his distractions. Alfred began to sigh loudly. And kept doing it until I finally had enough. I closed the book aggressively. "Fine fine I'll go somewhere else." He said moving and sitting at a table across from Melvin who always sat there and played cards. I exhaled and closed my eyes and smiled finally being able to read my book.

But of course I can't have my peace as John storms in like he's the king of the land or something. "Get up!" He yells at Melvin to get up. I watch carefully. Melvin cowardly gets up. "Hey you can't do that!" Alfred screams at John. "And why the fuck not!" John screams back. "Because I said so!" Alfred steps in johns shoe. "Who the fuck-" John immediately punches Alfred in the face. I put my book down and walk over there. I push John on the floor. "Oh what you going to do?" He teased.


As the radio played I danced. I loved to dance for the patients even though they can't see me it felt like they could. I did my twirls and my splits. Just as I was going to to my epic finish I heard fighting of the other side of the day room. That's when I saw John fighting Wesley and Alfred holding his face on the floor. That's it! "Ahhhhhhh" I screamed running towards. John and jumped onto his back choking him with all the strength I had.

Yes my goal was to kill this bastard. "How dare you!" I screamed. I was almost getting him in the ground. Until I heard Wesley scream my name. "Ada!" That's when I looked up. But i felt a sharp pain on my lip and was pushed to the floor. "Ow!" I fell onto the ground. I immediately put my hand on my cheek and I was bleeding but how? Wesley looked at me on the floor and went into a rage he tackled John to the floor and kept punching him over and over again. John was a bloody mess. Wesley pulled him by the collar. And slammed him in the floor over and over again the nurses had to come and get him and drag him away. I was still on the floor like a weakling.

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