Chapter 26

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was in a strange room.. sweet music playing and the smell of cooking. it didn't look like my style at all. Almost like it was for a child. The room was bright, colorful. Nothing like the ward at all. At the ward I had to stare at the same colors over and over again. Blue and grey and a dash of white. The ward also only gave me a dictionary. And maybe a playboy magazine if I was lucky. This room had a lot of things a child could want comics, stuff toys, and a baseball. But I wondered where bat was? I looked around for it but it was no where to be found. That's when the light of the room dimmed. And the music changed to that song.
Started to play, "don't stop thinking of me ,don't make me feel this way."

My heart started to speed up, I didn't understand what was happening. Why was Ada's favorite song playing? That's when the bay rolled from under the bed. But it was soaked in blood. I started to breath heavy this was a memory but I couldn't understand why I was feeling like this. I was out of breath I place my hand towards my chest. I began to feel dizzy, I dropped to the floor still breathing hard. Then I saw a note slip under the door of the room. Though I was laying down I could still see what it said.
My name is adamma.
A boy walked over me. And picked it up and mumbled the words
"Nice try Casey or should I say adamma I'm not an idiot not going to fool me twice!" He  said throwing the paper in the trash. I couldn't understand what was happening. That's when blonde women burst into the door and kneeled unto my level and said "wesley my poor baby wesley! Wesley! Wesley!"


She called my name loud. I snapped out of my trance. Breathing hard like I have just gotten out of a fight. My vision was normal again. And I'm as back in the therapy room. I can feel the beams of sweat running down my forehead. "My god Wesley are you ok? Jesus that was amazing!" She said excitedly. "Yea,yea what happened?"  I said composing myself.  "Well I'm not sure but it seemed like it was one hell of a memory." She furrowed her eyebrows.  "Yea I feel like if I would of stayed there a second longer I would of died." I sighed. Ms Emma looks at me and squints her eyes. "Hm interesting." She said as she walks always. "Wh..what's interesting?" I say getting up from the couch.

"What's interesting is how  your memories seem to be life threatening."  She says. "Which means?" "Which means something very sinister happened in that house or in your past."  I mean duh I killed my family and the  more. What was this women even saying. "I've seen killers use that bell and they didn't react the same way you just did." She looks up at me again, she moves closer to me. "Are you sure your the one who killed?" Ok now what the fuck what she saying? "Never mind." She took of her glasses and sighed even more. "What now?" I shrugged. "Well mr hunter as of right now I can't let you do another memory session." She said sitting in her seat and flipping pages. "What why!?" I yell. "Because it's far to dangerous if something happens to you it would be my fault I can't take that risk I have a family."

What a bitch. "And I don't!" I moved closer to her. "Please listen this is the only thing I have the only piece of me that I have. I need to regain my memories. So I can be normal. The only thing I have is the ward and it hurts me to know that please ms Emma." Yup I'm practically begging her.  She stares at me with her legs crossed.  It gets quiet while I'm waiting for her answer.  The tension in the room  is so high. My heart is beating fast.

"We will...". She stops and sighs again. "Thursday 6:30 pm do not be late."  She says without looking at me.
"Yes! Thankyou I won't." I rush out of the room.

I plan on getting every memory back good, bad, and the ugly.

⚠️Hey guys I just want to thank everyone for reading this series and this story the support has been unbelievable I am a student and about to go to college and will be supporting myself  if you can please help me out ( anything is fine) cashapp: pinkb4by  Venmo:yeaok  once again thank you for reading

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