Chapter 2

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"What do you want?" He asked. "You know I saw my reflection today?" I said. Wesley shrugged. "And I didn't like what I saw." I stomped my foot. Wesley got up standing taller then me at 5'11 I looked up at him still with my hand in my hips. "Join the club." Was all he said going to the bathroom to brush his teeth. I stood behind him and crossed my arms.
"Join what club? Anyways look at me I'm hideous! My hair and look at these." I took his hand so he can feel my chest. Wesley
immediately snatched his hand back.

. "What the! Hey!  don't do that!" He was wiping his face. I could see his face visibly turning red. "What is wrong with you?!" I yelled at him. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?!" He screamed back. Wesley sighed. "Look I think your beautiful the way you are I mean." He looked down. "And from what I seen there not that much." He smirked then left. Maybe he was right maybe I was overreacting. WAIT WHAT NOT MUCH FROM WHAT HE  SEEN?! That asshole!


I came out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth the truth was I really did believe Ada was the most beautiful. I mean she the only girl I've seen in 7 years. The boy was laying on his bed and then looked over to me. "So you talk to yourself huh?" I knew he was trying to get to me. I answered him with silence. Then he chuckled. "Yup all of you are fucking psychos." He mumbled. I was making my bed. Then I stopped. "You know what you can call everyone here a psycho. But guess what hate to break it to you but people out there  they are just as crazy." I said it harshly hoping it will get into his thick skull.

The boy stood up and walked over to me. Just then Ada walked in. I could feel her presence from  miles away I knew she was there I don't even have to see her. "I don't know what fucking world you live in but IM NOT CRAZY. Ok?" He screamed at me. "I don't know seem a little off the rockers to me" I teased. "Fuck you!" He yelled then went back to his bed. Ada looked at me and went towards him. I grabbed her hand. "Please." I begged. She had anger in her eyes. She huffed and then moved back.


God loves that little snot nose brat ya know. I would of knocked him out of the park or back to the womb whichever fits best of course. Wesley got on his bed and layers down reading his book. As Wesley read his book he looked over to me and pat the bed. I sighed and laid in the space right beside him. Wesley continued reading as I turned away. why did I grow with Wesley, I know I shouldn't complain but it seem so odd to me.

I worked my hardest to make him forget about everything that happened 7 years ago. If he were to remember now I know he will go out of his way to have me dead. But really depending on who he is I don't if he remembers and he's just trying to play tricks on me or he really has forgotten...or maybe he doesn't care. Honestly I've become more afraid of him and I know it's stupid because I'm the ghost here but I don't know what Wesleys strengths are and he knows my strengths and weaknesses like the back of his hand.

Like a game of chess. "Ada!" He called. I looked over to him. "Are you sleeping?" He asked me. What dumb ass ask someone if they are sleeping? I turned and looked up at the ceiling. "Yes Wesley my eyes are just open don't mind me." I said. "Oh ok." Wesley then turned around and went to sleep. I frowned. What an idiot. I looked over to see the sleeping boy.

At night it was quiet. Mostly because the medicine this place gives knocks people out cold under ten minutes. Just then I saw the door creak i immediately went under the covers trying not to wake Wesley up. I got back up realizing they can't see me.  I heard two men walking in.

"Here he is?" The skinny old guy whispered. The man in a suit took off his hat. And walked over to Wesley sleeping and looked onto him.
"Mio figlio oh come ti ho cercato." ( my son oh how I've been looking for you) He said in a different language. Who the hell was this guy?

Book 2 : Don't Be CruelWhere stories live. Discover now