Chapter 6

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I looked back at the old guy. "Look it's either you come with me now or you stay here for the rest of your life!" He said pointing. "Oh wow Thankyou grandpa for threatening me." I smiled sarcastically. "I know you did not kill those people those boys your family. I know you didn't." He said staring at me. Then who did? "I will take you out of this place and I will give a home and education a life a Future . Start fresh Wesley." He said sincerely. I turned around and looked at Ada who gave me a half smile. Then I turned back to him. "I'll go but I have a request." I said. "Anything my son." He smiled. "I want my roommate to be moved to this ward and I want him to have his own room." I said leaving the room. Ada followed behind.


I followed behind him. Wesley was walking down the hallway more like running I had to run here and there to keep up with him. Why was he even angry or frustrated whatever you people say. "Wesley." I tapped his shoulder. He instantly turned around making me flinch a little. "What." He spat out. His blue eye were softening and going back to its original color. "Sorry I just..have a lot on my mind." He sighed. "It's fine." I mumbled. "It's just that I'm nervous I don't I have ever been out there. School? With other kids you really think I'm ready for that? Especially with the reputation I got." He said looking at me.

I had to think about what I was going to say, how I could assure him without saying something stupid or pathetic. "I think.." I started. "I think you will do fine, and I mean it's not like your going by yourself now that I think of it you are acting like your going by yourself. I think that selfish of you grow some balls." I said walking away. Wesley stood there shocked. I turned around and looked at him. "Hello? What are you waiting for those clothes are not going to pack themselves." I put my hand on my hip. "Right." He nodded and started walking.

When we got into left wing. It was home sweet home. We walked down the hallway of course Wesley was cuffed. Once we got there we saw John picking on that little boy. "Yea you like that you wimp!" He said mocking the boy on the floor curled up into a ball. The boy was groaning. Quite frankly I don't fancy any of them. It was only when Wesley was in danger. Only. "Hey!" Wesley yelled. Just as he was released he ran toward John punching him square in the jaw. The little brat stayed on the ground watching Wesley. I yawned and went into the room. 

I went into me and Wesley closet and took out a suitcase. The same suitcase that was lended to us from the priests. I remember they really believed Wesley was possessed. I laughed to myself. You know for a ghost like me I believe in god you know I'm not some demon thing. But now that I think of it I'm not sure what I am.

The little boy walks in with bruises on his face and scars. I looked over to him and then back at the suitcase and continued folding clothes. "Owww." He whined. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. "Owwww." He tried to lay on his bed but the pain was obviously bothering him. "For god sakes." I took bandages and rubbing cream and kicked it over to his side. Though he couldn't see me he sure saw that. He leaned over and picked it up then looked over to Wesleys bed confused. Oh yea like he wasn't whining obnoxiously loud.

When Wesley walked into the room his hand was bloody. He came in smiling like a mad man. Me and the boy stared at him like he had five heads. "Good news Alfred your never going to see John again!" He said excitedly. "You killed him!" The boy exclaimed. "No your going to be moved to a the rich ward they treat them better over there." Wesley  smiled. "Really?!"
"Yea" he nodded. "Wait..what about you?" The boy thought. "Don't you know Alfred I'm getting out of here I'm going to be FREEE!!!!" Wesley screamed to the top his lungs

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