Chapter 38

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I sat there thinking, thinking and thinking. Why?
When ms Emma finally brought me back in. She could tell in my eyes. I might have found my answer. It was quiet for awhile. "We will continue our next session next week. Have a great week Wesley bye." She rushed out of the room. I let her. I for one was speechless. I stood up and left the room as well.

I haven't seen or heard from Wesley all day. And that coming from the boy who was whining about me not talking to him for two months. If we're going to have a relationship he needs to be here. What if he has found someone better? Is it me? Do I stink? Does my breath smell? it could be my hair
Wesley was never fond of my hair.

Thats when I heard the door knob click and he walked in. Hair messed up head down eyes low. There was something off about him something different... maybe this  love thing is new for him? It's been awhile since Wesley felt true love. Who am I kidding there's no excuse for him to behave like this. "Wesley." I said walking up to him. His was still staring straight. "Wesley why was the light off when I came in and why are you so quiet."

I nudged him a little. he didn't say anything. "Hello????!! Are you okay? I'm asking a question don't be rude!" I said stomping my foot.  Wesley took a sigh.  He looked up at me  and his blue eyes looked way darker than I have ver seen them. I widened my eyes and slowly took a step back. "Wes.." I started. "Take off your clothes." He said. "What?" I asked. Seriously was he ok? "Take off your clothes adamma. My breath hitched he only says my full name as a joke or if he's annoyed with me.  "Did I do something?" I asked him. I didn't get much not even a reaction just. "Take off your clothes adamma."

And so I did what he ask. I took everything off until I was standing there right in front of him bare naked. It was awkward it was sinister I didn't like it at all. Have I done something? Usually I would know if I have offended Wesley but this time I'm not sure. And it scares me at the fact that I don't know anything  about Wesley anymore.  I slowly was putting my hand on my self to cover up. "do not do that." Was all he says. He was staring at me This was so humiliating. "Wesley what is this abo.." "put your hands down!" He yelled making me flinch. I put my hands back on my sides. He got up towering over me. I looked up at him my heart was beating through my chest.

He looked down at me with dark eyes. I looked somewhere else other then his eyes. I didn't like this. It felt as if he was reminding me of how weak I have gotten. I can't even look at his eyes. Pathetic!  Before you know it I feel a hand throw me unto the bed. I didn't bother to get up.  I felt a familiar pain go inside me and I knew it was Wesley. As he was pumping in and out I just looked into his eyes. Once he caught them he would close his eyes and continue. "Wesley.." I started. "Shut up!" He yelled.

He moved down close to me. Our foreheads touching. There were tears coming out of his eyes.  Wesleys lips moved towards mine. And he kissed me passionately it felt different this time. It wasn't until Wesley opened my eyes till I could see it. Pity, hurt, disappointment, betrayal. Something about his kiss, was he saying goodbye? No he wouldn't. Does he know something I don't?  As he kept moving in and out and crying I couldn't help but to cry as well. I wanted him to smile. I reached up to touch his face. But he moves away and instead kissed me. It was like he wanted to love me but couldn't. "Wesley.. I.." I said in between tears "Wesley I.. I love you."  That's was when he got up from me put on his clothes. " Wesley I love you so much!" I said crawling on the bed towards him. "Wesley hunter I love you I really do!"  I shouted crying. "I would.."Wesley opened the door and left. "I would kill for you." I sat and cried into my lap. 

I knew me and Wesley were falling apart but I didn't want it to end like this...

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