Chapter 14

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You know walking around this house anyone could just get lost. I was walking. Behind Wesley down the hall. It confuses me how he walked so confident yet he just as lost as I am. I once find myself in awe of the decorations and art in this home. Me and Wesley walk beside a big window. And through the the big window we can see Julio cleaning the pool. I stop immediately. Causing Wesley to turn his head back. "What now?" He whines. "Look it's Julio." I pointed to the window. "Uhhh ok?" He said confused. I knocked twice in the window catching julio's attention. "Look it's Julio." I said staring at Wesley. Signaling him to go and talk to him.

Julio smiles at Wesley through the window and waves. Wesley turns to the window and puts up his hand with no emotion at all. He looks back at me and rolls his eyes and walks towards the door to go outside I follow right behind him smiling. "Hey mr betto! How's it going" Julio smiles. Oh woww. "Hi." Was Wesleys only answer. I looked over to him and frowned. I stood on my tippy toes and whispered in his ear. "How are you doing." I pushed him back gently. Wesley fixed his posture. "How. are. you. doing?" He awkwardly spoke. Julio tilted his head. What the fuck. Was he some kind of robot.

I pulled Wesley down to meet my height. "No, say it like! this how are you doing." I then pushed him back again. Wesley fixed his posture and smiled. "Say it like this how are you doin-" I didn't waste time before I stomped on his foot. "Fuck!" He yelled. Julios eyes widened. "I mean hey, what's up?" Wesley said.
Julio laughed. Me and Wesley looked at each other. "It's fine mr betto I know it's been a while since you been on your groove but I assure you you'll get used to it pretty quickly." He chuckled to himself cleaning the pool.

It's times like this where I wish I could be seen.
But what if he could see me. I'de probably scare him away. Like I do to everyone else. Wesley sat on the pool chairs. I sat right next to him. Julio was standing cleaning. "You know your grandparents have done a lot for me." Julio started. Wesley looked at him squinting his eyes from the sun. "My family was pretty poor they moved over here when I was 5. So it was pretty hard to pay bills and keep every child fed I mean there was about 6 of us." Julio shrugged. Wow I totally understood what he was saying.

"I saw a job opening about your family and I took it.  My first impression in the forgive me but I thought your grandparents were rude racist rich white folks." Shit I thought that too.
"But they weren't they welcomed with open arms and they're pay was more then enough. And all the workers welcomed me." Julio smiled to himself. "That's when I stopped judging a book by it's cover." He looked back at Wesley. Wesley nodded but I knew everything Julio has just said flew right out because he does it with me.


I have absolutely no idea what he said. I saw Ada nodding so I nodded. But I'm sure what he said made her heart flutter with overwhelming feelings. What a sweet charming gentleman. Everything in this place just looked so over the top and extra. I'm not sure if it's because of the ward or the fact that it's just the way I am.  I got up "I was actually looking for the old man where is he?" I asked. "Ah yes mr betto should be around since it's Saturday but if he  is not he will most likely be in his office which is to the right and straight down." Julio smiled at me. I nodded and went on my way.

I didn't feel ada behind me when I stopped and looked back to see her sitting and crossing her arms pouting. You've got to be kidding me. I gave her a deadly stare. "Ugh fine!" She stood up and began to walk over. We began walking down the hallway again. To the right. To the right. I too the right which showed a huge picture of a women man and a baby boy. That must be. "Joe." Ada stared at the picture.

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