Chapter 31

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"Aye Wes what you plan on doing for your birthday?" Arron asked taking a sip of his drink. I shrugged. Birthdays weren't really my thing. At the ward they give us a 30 minute break outside. But here everyone is asking me what I'm doing for my birthday and I seriously have  no idea. "You should have a party." Rachel squealed. "Also and invite you girlfriend." She pointed laughing. I looked over at rosy to see her face become discouraged. "For the last time dumbass I don't have a girlfriend." I spat. "Ex girlfriend sorry." Rachel laughed even louder. Rosy and Jose came along to my outing with Rae and Aaron because they have offered. Normal me would just say no but I didn't want to shut down rosy. This could be my only opportunity to get to know her.

"H...hey  Wes could you maybe tell your friend to stop grilling me like he's about to eat me or something?" Aaron mumbled in my ear. Oh yea I forgot about jose.
The whole time we were hear he only had his eyes on Aaron like he was a vanilla sundae. Is that Luca asshole guy seriously not enough? Just then rosy got up to go the bathroom. It was very distant very awkward. "Excuse me ill be back." She smiled to everyone then looked at me and gave me a half smile.
She walked away as her dress swinging from side to side.

"Excuse me? Can I?" I asked Aaron to move out of the seat so I can follow her. Aaron looked back to me. "Oh yea sure." He scooted out and I slipped right out. "Just leave me with crazy girl and crazy boy." Aaron mumbled as I was like away to catch up with rosy. I ran up to rosy and touched her small shoulder. "Hey rosy uhm about-" rosy quickly turned to face me giving me a whiff of her perfume that smelled amazing. She looked up to me with big beautiful brown eyes. "Yes mr hunter?" It was like everything about this was perfect. I smiled a little bit. "Uhm about that scene back there I don't really have a girlfriend or an ex or whatever." I said rubbing the back of my head. Why was my palms sweating.

She formed her lips to a thin smile and looked into my eyes. "Of course mr. Hunter I believe you." Oh thankgod. "So uhm where you heading?" I asked her. Rosy looked down almost like she was trying to not laugh or something. She pointed left swiftly. I turned to my head we were in front of the restrooms. "Oh yea I uhm ill catch you when you ge- I mean wait uh I mean I'll just see you." I quickly turned around and speed walk back tit he table where everyone was. When I slid back I got the spot where I was. Aaron had a disappointing look in his face I looked at him. "What?" I asked him. Aaron looked at me for another 39 seconds then shook his head and sucked his teeth. "Man you gotta be more smooth then that." He complained. "Smooth than what?" What the fuck was Aaron talking about. "Your game man." My game like video games? "Huh?"

"Your game your smooth talking with girls he's saying it sucks." Jose spoke rolling his eyes.
"I can definitely agree with that." Rachel took another sip of her milkshake. Assholes! "Well it's not really my fault the only girl I ever spoke to was Ada!" that was not in my head. Rachel slammed Hands onto the table making the whole table shake. We earned a couple of stares. "I knew it! That Ada girl! When are you going to talk about her to us." Rachel pointed at me. "Shut up Rachel seriously shut the fuck up." I said low. Why does she get off on annoying me. "Stop lying you liar tell us about her did she start giving back massages to someone else." She made kissy noises. That's it! "Shut up!" I took her glasses and I snapped them and threw them. I could of done a lot worse but I held my self. I grabbed my jacket then began walking away. Of course while allnof this is going on rosy was standing right there with her mouth wide open. "See Rae you go to far!" Aaron yelled at her. "I'm sorry Wes hey Wes."

Quite frankly I never thought I make friends again after Bart but look at me now.
Wait Bart...

Book 2 : Don't Be CruelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz