Chapter 59 - Sing for Sokovia

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Natasha POV

As we travelled into the city in the private car I had booked for the evening, I could tell Wanda was a little on edge. I didn't know whether she wanted to talk about it, but felt like right now would be the only time we could so I reached a hand over to hold hers on the seat between us.


"Hmm," she murmured, keeping her eyes fixed on the world outside. I gave her hand a squeeze so she would turn.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm starting to wonder if this was a good idea."

"What was?"

"Going to this concert. I mean, what if I get booed out of there?"

"Booed?" I smiled, "Why would you be booed out? You're not that bad of a singer."

I thought that making a joke would help, but judging by her face, this wasn't the time.

"Sorry," I continued, "I think it'll be okay, but if you're really not comfortable we can go somewhere else."

She just sighed in response.

"Why don't we go, and if we hate it we can just leave? I can ask the driver to hang around."

This got a nod of approval so I just gave her hand another squeeze, and she went back to looking out the window.

When we pulled up to the venue I got out first, and went to the drivers window to tell him to wait, and that if we didn't come out in the next 20 minutes to go ahead and leave. We had already agreed earlier that I would message him when we were ready to be picked up to go home. Wanda still hadn't got out of the car by the time I had finished, so I opened her door for her and crouched down to her eye level.

"Hey. I'm here. It's okay," I smiled.

She took the hand I offered her, and stepped out of the car as I stood. As it was a concert, we both were dressed down. I had on a pair of black denim jeans and heeled boots, with an old band t-shirt and a leather jacket. Wanda had on the skater dress she wore on our first date, also paired with boots and her long green coat. We looked pretty hot together, but I don't think that even crossed Wanda's mind as she anxiously eyed the door of the venue.

I took her hand again and led her towards it, thankfully her feet following my move. I pulled out my tickets and passed them to the attendee who gave us wristbands for entry. The foyer inside was filled with people, the bar was busy, and it was easy to get lost in the crowd. I couldn't tell if Wanda saw this as a good or bad thing, but held on tightly to my hand all the same.

She pointed to the right of the room, which seemed to be home to a donation table. There were staff sitting, recognizable by their t-shirts which had the logo we saw on the poster in the park. I gestured with my head to see if she wanted to head over towards them and she nodded.

She kept her head low as we reached the group of volunteers. I made the mistake to not do the same and was recognised almost instantly.

"Natasha Romanoff?" one of them asked excitedly, her Sokovian accent unmistakable.

"What?!" Chimed in another, also with the familar accent, but even stronger.

I nodded and put my finger to my lips, so that they would keep their voices down. I was now extremely glad for how busy the room was.

"Sorry, Ms. Romanoff. Would you like to make a donation?"

I turned to Wanda who was still staring down, afraid to look up at the two confirmed Sokovians we were met with.

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