Chapter 29 - Back to Reality

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Wanda POV

The flight back seemed much shorter, which I was glad about in some ways. I was worried about speaking with Steve, and the reception I would get back at the compound considering that I had been a bit of an ass about Natasha leaving, so would rather just get it over with.

For security reasons the plane wasn't able to land directly in the compound, so instead touched down on another disused airstrip near by. I hadn't realised how many of those there were all over the place. Sam met me on the tarmac to drive me home, and I was glad when he greeted me with a smile and a hug. I didn't realise until then, I had kind of missed him too.

"It's great to have you back," he began as we got into his car.

"Thank you, Sam."

"Did you have a nice time on your trip?"

"I did. It was great to get away and relax," I sighed happily.

"Two kids and a newborn? How relaxing could it be," Sam laughed.

"You'd be surprised. I can see why Clint took up life on the farm."

"Yeah? Maybe in a few years. My wings still have a little while in them yet."

I smiled and nodded, before asking if I had missed much while I was in Missouri.

"Not really," Sam explained, "Vision has been stalking around as usual. Rhodey headed back West. Steve's been chasing down the Rumlow rabbit hole, and Nat headed out to Europe as you know."

"Have there been any developments, with Rumlow?" I asked, having a fair idea of the answer already.

Sam shook his head to confirm, and the rest of the journey was a little quiet after that.

When we reached the entrance to the compound Sam scanned his ID at the gate, and as it opened we slowly began the journey up the long gravel path to the main building. It gave me an opportunity to take it all in properly. Despite having lived here a while I hadn't left the building by car before, and when I first arrived it was a bit of a blur. I've seen bits and pieces from being outdoors training, but everything seems much smaller from the sky. While it didn't always feel that way, this was home, and home was pretty massive.

I must have zoned out a little, as Sam needed to give a cough so I would notice that we had parked. I turned and gave him a smile.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Fine," I replied quickly.

"Wanda," he pressed, "C'mon."

"It's stupid."

"What is it?"

"It just seems so big."

"What does?" he replied thoughtfully.

"The building."

Sam turned to look.

"Yeah, it really is," he agreed.

"It just seems a little absurd that a few months ago my life was so different."

"It's a lot."

"It is," I sighed.

"How do you feel about that?"

I raised a brow at him, "Am I getting a therapy session?"

"You're talking with a friend," Sam laughed.

"Sure. Well, it feels surreal. This whole time here as been surreal. I've probably felt the worst I've ever felt, but also the most powerful too," I tried to explain.

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