Chapter 51 - Diners

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A/N: Sorry for the late upload! Time got away from me this morning.

Wanda woke up the next day feeling much better and she was praised by Steve for what she had been able to do with Ultimo. He had spent his evening coming up with a new training regime for her that would continue to help her gain control over her powers. They had hoped that this would not only help her keep them under wraps, but would allow her to fully use them when she needed to.

The next few weeks were all about training for both women. Natasha, having been out of action for a while, was still determined to prove herself, despite already being in top form. Their days were mostly spent with the team, and they only really got time to themselves in the early mornings before they had to get up, or at night when they went to bed.

As great as they were both feeling physically they missed their time together as a couple. So much so that Wanda had just about enough of sharing Natasha for one day. So, when Steve knocked on their door on this one particular morning he was met by Wanda quickly opening it and stepping into the hall.

"Wanda? You're already ready to go," he smiled.

"No," she replied firmly.


"Not today."


"I haven't had any time with Natasha in weeks, proper time. I'm afraid we'll turn into gym buddies if this carries on. We're taking today off."

Steve laughed, "You know Wanda, you can take as many days off as you want. I just wake you because I thought you wanted to train."

"Well usually that's okay. I just need a day with her."

"Absolutely. Have fun," he smiled as he walked off towards the kitchen.

Wanda had expected that she would have needed to plead her case a little more, so was a little confused when Steve was fine with it. She went back into the room and saw Natasha up already and pulling on her sneakers.

"Oh no. That is not happening," Wanda stated as she walked over to Natasha.

"What?" Natasha replied confused.

"We're not training."

"Why not?" Natasha laughed.

Wanda took the sneaker Natasha was about to put on out of her hand and tossed it behind her. Natasha cocked her head and watched Wanda carefully, still waiting for an explanation.

"We have trained non stop for weeks now."

"Sure," Natasha nodded.

"Well today, all I want to do is stay in bed with you."

"Oh really?" Natasha arched her brow, "You want to sleep?"

"Nope," Wanda confirmed as she pushed Natasha back on the bed and climbed on to her hips, straddling her. Natasha smirked.

"You sure?" she teased.

Wanda nodded her head.

"Well, what exactly did you have in mind?" Natasha asked.

Wanda leaned down to Natasha's ear and began to whisper. Natasha's eyes widened at her words and she bit her lip as Wanda continued to go into excruciating detail about what exactly she wanted to spend their morning doing. After a few moments Wanda sat back upright.

"Well, that's just what I had in mind, but now that you've mentioned it, I guess we can just go back to sleep instead," she shrugged.

"Absolutely not," Natasha stated as she pulled Wanda to her and kissed her hungrily.

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