Chapter 21 - The Farm

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The rest of the evening went by quickly. Natasha had given Wanda the good news about their trip and she went to work right away to pack for the next few days.

Natasha was sat at the end of Wanda's bed as Wanda moved around the room and quickly organised her bag with all that she would need.

"Bring your boots," Natasha stated out of nowhere.

Wanda paused and looked at Natasha as if to ask why.

"Clint lives on a farm," Natasha explained.

Wanda nodded and went ahead packing, while Natasha lay back on the bed thinking out loud.

"It feels like so long ago since we were there last, probably just because so much has changed since then."

"Why, when did you last go?" Wanda asked.

"Just before Seoul, after Klaue."

Wanda froze.

"You mean after I?"

"Wanda-" Natasha started but was cut off.

"I don't know if I should go. If Clint's family saw you all... well how you were then surely I shouldn't be welcome in their home."

"Wanda. Look at me."

Wanda reluctantly turned, knowing she wasn't going to win this argument as soon as her eyes met Natasha's. As she expected, her body relaxed a little when she met her gaze.

Natasha continued, "The first time I met Laura all she knew about me was that I was the soviet spy that had been causing her husband a lot of trouble, and that he was sent to take me out. Provided that I didn't kill him first."

Wanda listened intently, having not heard this story before.

"He and I had a rough time together in Budapest, and I guess against all odds and all his better judgement he trusted me enough to not only spare my life, but take me home to his family. I guess he knew that's what I needed. Do you want to know what happened when I got there, to his farm?"

"What?" Wanda asked curiously.

"Laura offered me a place at their table, and a place in their home, always. Clint is a great man, by all accounts and I'd likely be dead without him, but a lot of what is good in him comes from Laura and his family. They make him a better person. I honestly worry about him if something was to ever happen to them."

Natasha stood up and placed a hand on each of Wanda's shoulders, looking at her intensely.

"Laura will love you," she assured the brunette.

Wanda gave her a weak smile and went back to packing, but with a little less spring in her step. Natasha regretted having brought it up, but once she got there she knew that Wanda would be fine.

Once Wanda had finished packing Natasha went to her own room to organise herself, and decided to head to bed early once she was done, so went back to Wanda's room to say goodnight.

Wanda answered the door in her pyjamas, and was pleased to see Natasha at her door.

"Is everything all right?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah fine, I'm just heading to bed early. We could leave in good time tomorrow morning rather than waiting. What do you think?"

Wanda nodded, but fidgeted with her hands a little,  and it was clear to Natasha she was still nervous about how she would be received at the Barton home. Natasha knew she wouldn't be able to convince her any further and that Wanda just needed to see it for herself, so instead of saying anything she reached over and put her hand on top of Wanda's two, and squeezed gently so that they would still.

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