Chapter 37 - Lunch

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"I really can't believe how great your room looks," Natasha remarked after she and Wanda had settled in. She was propped up on the bed, and Wanda was sitting facing her with her legs crossed.

"Thank you. I wanted to make it feel more like home, considering it is home now," she replied.

Natasha continued to look around, and her eyes fixed on the guitar. She hadn't asked about it just yet, but was dying to know more, as Wanda had never mentioned liking music to her, let alone that she played.

Wanda didn't need to use her powers to know Natasha was curious about it. The instrument was just behind her, and she noticed Natasha's eyes dart towards it and away again. Wanda smiled knowing she was likely conflicted about whether to ask about or not. She made the decision for her by bringing it up.

"I think I was happiest to get a guitar again," Wanda mentioned casually.

"I mean, I was gonna ask. Guitar? You play guitar?" Natasha replied quickly, as if she knew what Wanda was going to say.

Wanda laughed a little, and Natasha looked at her confused. Wanda didn't explain and just got up from her seat and picked up the guitar from its stand.

"I used to play a lot when I was younger. I was never much of a singer so don't ask me to sing for you," she jokingly warned Natasha who laughed and put her hands up in defence.

"I didn't ask! Plus I could always sing for you," Natasha smirked.

"You can sing? Of course you can," Wanda laughed, "Is there anything you can't do?"

"I'm sure there's something out there," Natasha replied with a smile, "What do you like to play?"

Wanda shrugged, "I'm not sure any more. With all my teenage years spent being a bit of an anarchist I haven't really kept up with any new music. I mainly play older stuff that my parents would have listened to."

"Like what?" Natasha asked curiously.

Wanda, instead of answering, set the guitar down on the bed and picked up the sheet music from the stand. She handed the small stack of papers to Natasha who flipped through them.

"Okay so what do we have here... Fleetwood Mac, love them. Pixies? Great. Pearl Jam. Solid. You know this wasn't what I was expecting."

"What do you mean?" Wanda asked as she sat back down on the bed with the guitar.

"I just mean, these are all like so American, and didn't you basically protest America?"

"Yeah, which is why I stopped playing," Wanda explained, "Not like I could start singing American Pie when I'm at an anti-Stark rally."

"American Pie? I haven't thought about that song in years," Natasha commented. The dazed look in her eyes wasn't missed by Wanda. Before she could ask though, Natasha caught herself and dismissed the comment, "Just remember that from years ago. Can you play me something now?"

Wanda laughed, "I just said..."

"You said you wouldn't sing, not that you wouldn't play," Natasha interrupted.

Wanda went to argue, but quickly gave up, "Fine. One song, and I'm not taking requests."

"You're the boss," Natasha laughed, and gestured for Wanda to go ahead.

Wanda began playing and Natasha recognised the tune right away. Without being asked, she sang along with Wanda's playing.

She broke down and let me in

Made me see where I've been

Been down one time

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