Chapter 38 - Connections

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To Wanda's relief, Natasha didn't look completely spooked, in fact if anything she looked relaxed. She gave Wanda a big smile as she entered the room.

"Hey," she smirked as Wanda approached her with her sandwich.

"It's some turkey, lettuce, tomato, and a little mayo," Wanda explained as she set the plate down on the beside locker.

As she leaned down, Natasha seized the opportunity and pulled lightly on Wanda's shirt, bringing her closer to her. As Wanda turned to face her, a little confused as to what was going on, Natasha kissed her.

This kiss was different from earlier, still sweet, and almost casual but it was loaded with feeling, and Wanda nearly dropped the other plate in her hand as she let herself fall apart into it.

When they stopped to take a breath, Wanda blinked her eyes a few times as she felt a little dizzy, and Natasha giggled at her need to compose herself.

"The sandwich sounds great by the way," Natasha remarked casually, as she lifted the plate Wanda had left for her.

Wanda dazedly wandered back around the bed to her own side, and took a seat facing Natasha who was now happily eating her lunch.

She set her own plate down to her side and realised she wasn't really hungry any more. There was only one thing she fancied right now, and it didn't involve a sandwich.

"Are you not hungry?" Natasha asked, after a particularly large bite of food.

"I'm not sure," Wanda admitted.

Natasha put the food in her hands back on her plate and gave Wanda her full attention, "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing is wrong," Wanda started.

"But?" Natasha encouraged.

"You're a really good kisser," she said flatly.

Natasha was confused, "Why are you disappointed with this?"

"I'm not!" Wanda quickly assured her, "I just really want to kiss you again."

"No one is stopping you," Natasha reminded her.

"True," Wanda agreed as she leant towards her.

A little while later, Vision thankfully came through on his promise and the two were given enough warning to act casual when the knock came at the door.

"Come in," Wanda shouted, a slight crack in her voice, which Natasha couldn't help but laugh at.

"Nat, Miss Maximoff," Vision greeted as he entered the room. He noticed right away that they hadn't finished their food, despite it being close to an hour since Wanda brought it to the room. He didn't realise humans took so long to eat sometimes.

"I didn't realise you were still eating, I'll come back," he decided before turning to leave.

"No wait," Natasha assured him, "We're fine. We're done. Come in. Sit down."

Vision nodded, and took a seat on the chair at the desk. He looked to Wanda, "Did I do something wrong with the tomatoes?"

Natasha turned to her confused, and Wanda began to explain, "I had some help with lunch." She then turned to Vision, "No Vision, they were great. We just got a little distracted."

"Very good," he smiled, "How are you feeling Nat?"

"Much better Vision. I have to check in with the doctor the day after tomorrow, but right now feeling great. How are you?"

Vision hesitated, and while Wanda didn't intend to she couldn't help but hear the thought inside his head. It was the first time since he was created that someone had asked him that.

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