Chapter 54 - Troy

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Wanda POV

Natasha just stared at me for a few seconds after I explained the significance of the date on the ring. I began to panic, worrying that it was too much too soon, but before I could dig myself a hole of self doubt, she pulled me to her and held me tight. It was different to a normal hug, and without looking I could tell her fists were white from holding on to me so fiercely.


"Hmm," she mumbled into my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"I just- I just need this for a second. Is that alright?"

"Of course. I'll hold you as long as you need me to."

She didn't reply, but kept her strong grip on me for the next while. When she eventually let me go I could see from her face that she had been crying.

"Baby, why are you upset?" I asked, as I wiped the one solitary tear she hadn't hid from me from her cheek.

"I'm not, I just really, really, really love you."

I smiled, "I love you too, birthday girl. Are you good now?"

She nodded.

"Well, how about you get ready, while I grab us some food and then we can hit the road?"

She leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek as her way of agreeing with me, before leaving the bed and heading into the bathroom. I grabbed a robe and left to go to the kitchen. Steve and Sam were sitting having coffee.

"Morning Wanda," they both called at once, and then looked at each other, surprised that they spoke in unison.

"Morning guys," I replied as I went to the counter to pour Natasha and I some coffee, "How's your day been so far?"

"Well," Sam started, eyeing Steve who sighed and returned his attention to his newspaper, "Captain Grandpa here woke me at 4am to go for a run."

"It was a nice morning," Steve defended as he kept his focus on the text in front of him.

"Barely morning," Sam argued, "I need a nap."

I just laughed to myself as they continued to bicker with one another. They really were the best of friends and I really enjoyed seeing them together. They kept at it long enough for me to finish preparing breakfast and when I lifted the plates and cups awkwardly they stopped so Sam could offer me a hand.

"I got it," I smiled and assured him as I headed back to Natasha. Neither of them mentioned that it was her birthday, and it didn't seem like something they would forget. I didn't know whether to say anything or not, but knowing Natasha she might prefer it this way. She was still so private with them all. Thankfully, not so much with me.

She was waiting for me on the bed again when I returned. She had changed into jeans and a plain black t-shirt. That woman could make anything look insanely good. It was kinda criminal honestly.

"Breakfast is served," I announced as I set down the plate in front of her and handed her the hot coffee which she drank right away.

"Careful, you'll burn yourself," I warned. She went ahead with a big sip, so stubborn.

"Thank you so much. Looks great!" she smiled as she began eating.

"Are you still tired love?"

"A little, not sure why though I slept for like 10 hours."

"You've been really busy. You know today we can just chill here if that's what you prefer?"

"No, honestly. I'm excited to see what you have planned. When do we leave?"

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