Chapter 55 - The Holidays

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The Christmas season in the Avengers facility wasn't hugely celebrated. Most of the team were just reminded of the childhood experiences they missed out on, or the families and friends that they would have usually celebrated with that were no longer around.

That's why the team were shocked to find a well decorated tree in the middle of the living area when they came out for breakfast, just a few days before Christmas.

"What the hell?" Sam remarked with wonder. Out of the team he seemed to be the most invested in the holidays, but was a little sombre that he couldn't spend it with his family back in Louisiana. Steve had said he could take the time off, but Sam knew that with everything going on and so much up in the air with Rumlow still on the loose, he needed to be ready in case the team needed him. Not seeing his family at all would be easier than only seeing them for a short while, then having to leave.

"Not me," Steve smirked, happy for his friend that someone had made the effort. He expected it might be Wanda, as Natasha hadn't mentioned any affinity for the holidays in all the time he knew her. He was wrong, as Wanda was just as taken aback when she and Natasha joined them for breakfast.

"Who did this?" she smiled as she headed towards the tree.

"Did what?" Natasha answered, having not taken any notice to it at all, she turned when Steve gestured and gave a nod of acknowledgement before going ahead with getting coffee. Wanda continued to admire the baubles up close, and Sam got up from his seat to join her.

"Crazy isn't it? You know I thought you put this up," Sam remarked.

"Not at all, whoever did this did a much better job than I would have," Wanda laughed, "It looks like something out of a movie."

She wasn't wrong. The tree must have been a solid 8 foot tall, and was perhaps the most full and lush they had ever seen with their own eyes. It was decorated within an inch of it's life, and honestly the spacing between each item was so perfect it was like someone had an instruction manual showing them where exactly to place everything.

"Do you like it?" a voice asked from behind Wanda. She turned and was met with Vision, and suddenly it all made sense.

"This was you?" Sam asked, shocked.

"Yes. I understand that Christmas is generally well celebrated, and I found it odd that you hadn't decorated a tree as it is tradition. According to my research of course."

"Where did you get this though?" Sam smiled, finding it amusing to imagine Vision walking into a store to buy tinsel and string lights.

"Well, I ordered the decorations, and I got the tree outside."

"Outside?" Wanda asked.

Vision turned and pointed out the window to the forest in the distance.

"Makes sense," Sam chuckled, "Nice job." He patted Vision on the shoulder and then walked back to continue his breakfast.

"You really like it?" Vision asked again when he was alone with Wanda.

"It's beautiful, Vis," she smiled at him sincerely and he beamed back. His smile slipped a little when Natasha joined them and handed Wanda a cup of coffee.

"Here you go, love."

Wanda accepted it gratefully, "Doesn't this look great?"

"It does," Natasha agreed, "You want some toast?"

"Sure," Wanda nodded, and took Natasha's hand to walk back to the table.

Vision stood there for another moment to admire his work, before slowly phasing back down to the floor below.

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