Chapter 44 - Nightcap

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The journey home was a comfortable one. The driver didn't take long to respond to Natasha's message, and within the next half an hour they were again seated in the back of the town car. Wanda held Natasha's hand firmly in her own as she again watched out the window, taking in the lights and life of the city around her, and still trying to process the night she had just had.

Natasha was also in awe, but not of the city. Instead she couldn't tear her eyes away from Wanda, taking in every inch of her. She was everything, and if she ever had any doubt that Wanda was the one for her, it was gone after that evening. It was truly the first date to end all first dates, and Natasha was slightly concerned that she may have to top it in the future.

Wanda must have felt her staring, as she turned back to Natasha with a smile on her face.

"Something I can help you with?" she smirked.

"I'm just enjoying the view," Natasha replied genuinely. Wanda leaned over, closing the gap between them, and kissed Natasha softly. The simple act of affection held so much meaning, and Natasha could feel her breath hitch as Wanda pulled away and returned to staring out the window.

As it always does, the return trip to the compound felt a little shorter, and before long the two were walking back up the drive and into the main building. It wasn't too late, but late enough that the boys were asleep so for the most part they had the place to themselves.

Unwilling to end the night already, Wanda suggested that they have another drink before bed, and Natasha was happy to oblige. Wanda took a seat at the bar as Natasha checked around, looking for something in particular, and eventually pulled out a small dusty bottle housing a brown liquid from the back of one of the cabinets.

Wanda couldn't help but hide the slight disgust in her face, and Natasha laughed when she noticed her expression.

"Don't worry, it's not for you," Natasha laughed as she pulled a nice bottle of white wine from the cooler under the bar, lifting it up to show Wanda.

"What is this?" Wanda asked curiously as she lifted the old bottle Natasha had set down in order to pour Wanda her wine.

"That," Natasha started as she sat Wanda's now full glass in front of her, "Is about the only thing here that can get me drunk."

"Oh really? What is it? Rocket fuel?" Wanda laughed, unable to make out the strange text on the bottle, "What language is this?"

"Asgardian," Natasha mentioned causally, as she took the bottle from Wanda and poured a little in a glass.

"Asgardian? As in Thor?"

"Yep. He brought it down for a party one time, and well I was glad I took him seriously when he told me to only try a little first."

"What does it taste like?" Wanda asked as she lifted the now open bottle to smell it. She took a sniff and choked, "Never mind. I don't want to know," she continued as she dismissed the thought and put the lid back on the bottle.

Natasha laughed and raised her glass in a toast.

"Oh! What are we celebrating?" Wanda asked excitedly as she raised her own glass to meet Natasha's.

"How about our first date? A very successful one at that," she suggested. Wanda agreed with a nod as she moved her glass to lightly touch Natasha's and they gave off a small clink.

The two took a sip from their glasses, before Natasha came around the bar to stand beside Wanda and offered her a hand. Wanda took it and stood from the bar stool, following Natasha as she led them to one of the couches.

"Figured this would be more comfortable," she explained.

Wanda kicked off her boots, and pulled her feet up underneath her so that she could face Natasha, and Natasha did the same. The two didn't say much for a moment, but just enjoyed the sight of each other, now that they were truly together, and no one was in any physical harm.

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