Chapter 11 - Champagne Confessionals

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Wanda stared at her closet and was disappointed in the sweats and casual clothes that she was met with. For the first time in a long time, she felt close to happy and was excited to spend the night celebrating with Natasha, Steve, and Sam. As part of that she wanted to get dressed up, but really didn't have anything appropriate to wear.

Her eyes scanned the rest of the room and met the red jacket she was wearing when they battled Ultron in Sokovia. She picked it up off the floor where it must have fallen down and held it out in front of her. Wanda remembered Pietro throwing this to her before they left, and could see his excited face smiling, pleased with himself that they were going to do something right. The pair had made many mistakes, but Pietro was always acting with his heart in the right place. It was just one of the many things that Wanda had admired about her brother.

She sat down on the bed and pulled the jacket close to her chest, before laying it on her lap to scan it for any marks. It was surprisingly clean, all things considered but she went and got a wipe to spot clean some dirt and dust on it. Once she was finished, she hung it back up and pulled out a black shirt, and black trousers from the wardrobe. It wasn't what she would have normally chosen to wear, but she put them on all the same figuring there were no better options to her.

Taking a look in the mirror Wanda adjusted her sleeves, and added a belt since she had lost some weight since arriving at the compound. She pulled on some black combat boots, and when she stood upright again and caught another look at herself she sighed at her reflection.

At the same time Natasha had walked out of her room, and was now just outside Wanda's door. She knocked, and Wanda answered almost immediately.

"Wow," Wanda said on seeing Natasha, her face instantly going red as soon as the words left her mouth.

Natasha smirked. She knew she looked good, but it was nice to hear it all the same. She walked into Wanda's room and sat down on the bed.

"You look pretty good yourself, Maximoff."

"I don't have anything here to wear."

"Well, you still look good. Give me a twirl."

Wanda slowly rotated on the spot without much enthusiasm.

"It's not about the clothes, it's about the person underneath them."

Wanda cocked her head slightly, smiling.

"I mean your attitude. You look good, so own it."

Wanda turned back to the mirror, "Well at least it's just you guys, you've all seen me look way worse than this," she says laughing to herself.

"Well about that..."

Wanda quickly turned, "What?"

"We may have some more guests."


"Rhodey, I don't think you got much of a chance to speak before."

"Oh that's fine."

"Yeah, and Tony and Pepper."

"What?!" Wanda asked, panicking, "They hate me."

"Oh come on, they don't hate you."

"Tony Stark hates me."

"Wanda, we were all on different sides to you once, but that doesn't matter any more. He called Steve earlier to say they were coming back early and that he needed to speak with him. Steve told him about the party and why we were having it and he wanted to come and bring Pepper too."

Wanda just looked at Natasha.

"If he hated you Wanda why would he come?" Natasha reasoned.

"I don't know," Wanda admitted.

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