Chapter 16 - Old Habits (Part 2)

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"Lets go," Natasha said to Wanda, as she grabbed her and pulled her out of the room, not forgetting to pull the drive she was using out of the terminal.

"What's going on?" Wanda asked.

"This building is only supposed to have 10 sub-levels. It has 11, meaning whatever was on that 11th sub-level has been kept off books."

"You mean HYDRA?"

"Looks that way. Can you give us some light?"

Wanda conjured her red energy in her hands, and used the light to guide them back towards the elevator. Natasha hit the button to call the elevator, and it lit up.

"Lights are down but power's not?" Wanda asked.

Before Natasha could answer the elevator opened and they stepped in. She pushed on the panel where the buttons were until she found an extra hatch with a button showing '-11', and the button lit when she pressed it.

"Rhodes? Sam?" Natasha was talking into her comms again.

"Copy Nat. What you need?"Rhodey answered first.

"Sam. Did you find anything?"

"Nothing here yet. What? Is there something new we should know?"

"Cooper. The agent that met us. He was here last night, and went to a sub-level not on books. I've lost contact with Steve but heading to him now."

"Do you need us to come in?"

"No. Whoever was here last night didn't come in the door. I need to know how they got in. Scan for any underground tunnelling or pipes, but it'll be deep and it'll be far."


Natasha turned back to Wanda.

"I don't know what'll be on the other side of this door. Are you ready?"

Wanda gulped, but realised she had no choice but to be ready. She nodded.

The elevator doors opened a second later, and almost instantly a shot was fired. Wanda and Natasha stood back out of view of the door and Natasha gave Wanda a nod. Wanda conjured another ball of red energy and threw it out in the direction of the shot. Natasha peered out and saw the shot missed, but it gave her enough light to see where she had to aim for. She pulled out one of her pistols and fired it out, the thud that followed was enough to know she connected.

"Wanda. Lights," Natasha commanded.

Wanda threw out two balls of energy and moved them into the room slower than before. The room lit up enough to see a body on the floor, but no other signs of life. Natasha and Wanda entered, Natasha's pistol raised and a new ball of energy floating around in Wanda's palm.

Natasha approached the man on the floor and kicked away his gun. Wanda stared at him, in a little bit of shock at the dead body in front of her. She had destroyed many of Ultron's bots in Sokovia, but this was entirely different.

Natasha searched his pockets and pulled out his ID.

"Turner. I saw this guys record in with Cooper's team. He's one of his."

The two women slowly moved forward into the next room, and as they moved through the darkness could suddenly hear footsteps moving towards them, faster and louder. Wanda spotted a doorknob on her right and opened it quickly, pulling Natasha with her. It was a small supply closet and the two were forced together in silence as they tried to work out who was coming towards them.

After a few moments the footsteps stopped near the door, and a voice could be heard.

"Rhodey? Nat? Sam? Anyone?"

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