41: "lets have our dream"

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(ezra's pov)

everyone gathers together—ser, max, keaton, leo, my mom, and the rest of our family—in dads hospital room for christmas eve. our extended family isn't staying the night but they are coming back tomorrow morning for christmas.

mom and ser bought us matching pajamas; socks in dads case. we crowd around his hospital bed, watching christmas movies as snacks litter around us. leo and keaton snuck them in and made sure to hide them from the doctor.

i look over at dad and i make sure to stay by his side, clutching his hand in mine.

we watch as the credits roll and the movie finishes. emilio stands up and says, "we better get going. we'll see y'all tomorrow." they walk out after goodbyes are exchanged.

ser stands up with max. she kisses my cheeks before saying, "i'm gonna take max to the bathroom. we'll be right back." she and max walk out hand in hand with leo and keaton hot on their heels as they mutter about the vending machines.

"i actually need to talk to the both of you," dad admits. mom comes and sits on the chair beside me and we lean in, intrigued. "ezra, i'm not gonna last much longer." he starts and i shut my eyes as tight as i can.

"please don't say that." i shake my head to try and get the horrendous thoughts out.

"please listen." he coughs and catches his breathe before continuing, "my restaurant is located in italy. i originally put it under your name in my will. that changed when i found out about your love for ser and max. i know you want to stay as close them as possible so, i put it under matteo and emilio's name.

"for you, i bought a place a couple blocks down from where you currently are. think of it as a way to start your dream with ser." he reaches into his bag and pulls out the papers to the building and hands them to me. "i want you to be happy and i will do anything to make sure that happens," he confesses.

i take the papers with shaky hands and an agape mouth. i look at him with glistening eyes. "i- what? how can i thank you enough?" i whisper out. i turn to mom who has wide eyes, just as shocked as i am.

he chuckles weakly and i start to notice just how sick he's getting. "i love you, ezra. and i'm sorry for the pain i caused you. don't thank me; live your dream," he whispers and clutches my hand even tighter.

"i love you too," i whisper back.


christmas day comes in a whirlwind of emotions. since the talk with dad last night, i've been silent and thinking.

ser and i's future is so clearly drawn out in my mind that it makes me giddy. everything is fitting into place.

i have yet to talk to her about it though. i'm gonna tell her today as one last christmas gift. i look over to ser who lays in my arms as we listen to the chatter around us. she has bed hair and adorable, tired eyes. i brush some hair out of her face as she turn to me.

"merry christmas," she whispers with a dimpled smile.

"merry christmas, my love," i whisper back and kiss her forehead.

max jumps on my lap and chirps, "merry christmas!"

i laugh and attack him with kisses all over his face. "merry christmas, kid."


we spend the morning drinking hot chocolate and opening gifts as the rainy weather engulfs us.

we sit and talk for a couple hours before emilio and matteo's family head to the airport. some business came up in italy so they had to head back but promised they would visit soon.

the morning turns to night with a wave of a hand and i realize it's time to tell ser. i take her up the roof where you can see the fog that set in after the rain.

we walk to the edge of the roof and look towards the city lights. i wrap my arms around her from behind. i tuck my head in her neck while she softly traces shapes on my hands.

a few minutes of comfortable silence pass before i gently turn her around in my embrace. "close your eyes," i whisper.

she huffs but, nonetheless, closes her eyes. i reach into my sweatshirt pocket and pull out the papers to the building. "hold your hand out," i instruct and she follows. i gently place the papers in her hand and say, "open."

she looks down at the papers with furrowed brows. she flips through them and the more she sees, the bigger her eyes grow. "what is this, ezra?" she whispers out in shock.

"our dream." i slyly smile.

she huffs and glares at me. "i'm gonna need a little more detail."

"dad bought a building and gave it me, for us. our dream," i bluntly state. she opens and closes her mouth like a fish and i chuckle at her reaction.

"for us?" she slowly asks and i happily nod. "are you sure?"

my head rears back with a jolt and i narrow my eyes at her. "of course i'm sure. i have it all planned out." she smiles, amused and nods for me to continue. "you get your associates in business at the community college like you wanted. i take culinary classes there and get my associates. we stay here, together, and make this building into our dream.

"just like you imagine with the books and food. it'll be ours. and then down the road we'll get married and have kids." i grin as a blush rises up her cheeks.

"and your sure you want this with me," she nervously asks.

i bring her into my arms as i kiss the top of her head. "nothing would make me happier to have you by my side," i murmur into her hair. i feel her smile against my chest which elicits one from me.

"what will we name it?" she whispers.

i think for a second before muttering, "serendipity."

i feel her smile widen, knowing exactly what i'm saying with saying it, as she says, "it's perfect. let's have our dream." she smiles at me and i wholeheartedly get lost in her.

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