26: 'do i love her?'

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(ezra's pov)

after last nights talk with alessandro and ser, my mind has been a bit hazy.

today is the first time we're gonna try and get to known each other.

i've already called ser for a pep talk and listening to her voice helped me relax.

that all seems to be going out the window right now as i sit in my car, in front of the cafe that i'm supposed to meet alessandro at.

i don't want to do anything big so i decided the cafe would ge a good start and we could talk.

my hands are shaking slightly and i think i might vomit. but i suck it up and get out of my car. i walk in and immediately see him at a table in the back. i order a tea before i go and sit down across from him.

it's extremely awkward at first as we stare at each other but he breaks the uncomfortable silence by asking, "how did you and seraphina meet?"

a soft smile makes its way to my face when i hear her name mentioned and i say, "she works here and when keaton, leo, and i came in for a bite, her little brother, maxon, came over and sat down with us.

"she came to check on him but instead of him sitting at his table, he was with us. she gave him a little lecture before we introduced ourselves and after that, we ended up getting ice cream with them.

"they go to our school and we all just clicked, you could say." i finish as memories of first meeting them, rush through my mind.

it feels like so long ago yet it was only 2 months ago.

"she seeme like a sweet girl, how long have you two been dating?" he asks and i thank everything good in the world, that my relationship with ser is our topic of conversation right now.

one of the only few things i actually like talking about.

"about a month," i say.

"do you love her?" he asks, his eyes have an almost knowing look.

i frown and say, "it's only been a month."

he nods but says, "love isn't measured by time."

a thoughtful expression is placed on my face as i think, do i love her?

"what do you do for work?" i ask, trying to clear my mind from the fogged confusion.

"i own a restaurant." he grins and i can tell it's something he takes pride in.

suddenly a thought occurs to me and before i can think about what i'm actually saying, i blurt out, "seraphina wants to own a diner after college, would you be willing to talk to her? maybe just give her some tips? i know she would really appreciate it." she appreciates most things no matter how little they are.

his eyes light up and he says, "of course!"

from there the conversation flows better than i would have thought.

we talk about anything and everything.

he asks about leo and keaton, a little more about ser and max, school, but when when the topic shifts to my future, i get antsy.

"what do you want to do after high school?"

"i want to go to college," i automatically say, knowing i would want to go to a culinary school.


"i'm not sure, yet. there's still some things i have to think about and i need to talk to ser a little bit more about college. it's just too soon right now," i say as i feel a pit form in my stomach.

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