02: 'she is gorgeous'

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(seraphina's pov)

it's been a few days since we moved into our new apartment. for the last couple of days, max and i have been shopping and finishing up decorating the apartment.

i have also been getting max and i enrolled into school. max starts kindergarten this year and i will be going into my senior year. i made sure before we moved here that the local school was close to the apartment, and was either a k - 12 or by an elementary school. thank goodness the school ended up being k - 12. i'm hoping that is being in the same school will calm his nerves a little knowing that i'll be close to him.

it's early to mid september now; school has already started a couple weeks ago and i'm not excited about being the new student but i'll just have to deal with it.

on a more productive note, today is my first day of work. i talked to xavier about my schedule and since today is friday, there will be more customers considering the students around here like to go to the cafe on game day.

i hope it's not too rowdy in there because i'm gonna have max either sitting at a booth or at counter where i can watch him at all times.

at mark's cafe, i normally worked on the weekends but sometimes after school, so i always took max with me to spend as much time with him as i could. mark never had a problem with it considering he loved the little guy. i already talked to xavier and he was more than happy to have max there.

it can get boring for him sometimes so, i pack a little bag with coloring books and crayons for him if he wants to color, which is something he always wants to do. our dad would color with max as much as he could when he was home so, max takes every possible chance to color.

max doesn't mind being at the cafe. i asked him cause i was concerned he would get bored at one point but he said he liked seeing all the people and being out of the house. he's a smart one.

i look at the time and see max and i have to leave in half an hour.

i start putting my uniform and it isn't half bad. its just a yellow collared short sleeved button down dress. i just pair it with my high top white converse and i'm ready to go.

i get a bag of clothes packed so i can change when i'm done to take max somewhere for dinner. i don't have a very long shift; it starts at 4 and ends at 7.

once i have everything i make my way to max's room. his door was already opened so i just walked in. he was dressed and putting his shoes on since i told him 10 minutes prior that we needed to leave soon.

"love bug, you ready to go?" i ask once he was finished slipping his shoes on.

"yes!" he exclaims.

i laugh and hoist him onto my hip, grab our bags, and walk to the elevator.

in the car, i buckle him in his carseat and put the bags at his feet, i get in and we're off.

"you excited, bud?" i ask, amused at how he was practically jumping in his seat with anticipation.

he just nodded real fast and paid attention to the shops and restaurant we were passing.

in a very serious tone i firmly say, "maxon, i need you to make sure you don't leave your seat. if you need something or need the bathroom, come to me and let me know. if you can't find me ,find xavier, okay bud?" he knew i wasn't joking since i used his full name.

"yes, sissy." he says with a firm nod.

"i love you, sweetheart."

"i love you too."

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