13: "snow storm"

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(seraphina's pov)

i'm only halfway done with my shift for today and i'm currently dying of exhaustion.

the guys are gonna be here in a few minutes for my lunch break.

speak of the devils. they walk in and head straight to where max is sitting.

i wait 5 more minutes for my lunch break to be over and then i head to the table.

i sit next to max, pick him up, and place him in my lap while i hold him close to me and close my eyes with my head rested against max's.

the three goofs laugh at me and i raise a brow without opening my eyes.

"tired?" ezra asks.

i nod my head and open my eyes giving them a soft smile.

"how much sleep did you get?" ezra asks concerned.

"maybe four hours? i don't know, i just couldn't sleep last night," i sigh, not giving them the full details.

from beside me, ezra gently massages my neck and i lean more into his head. i turn my head slightly and give him a soft smile and he winks backs making my cheeks go ablaze.

i turn back and they give me sympathetic looks as i smile at them.

"how long of a break do you have?" leo asks.

"about 30 minutes but since it's so slow today, i'm gonna see if i can go early. i only have an hour left so." i go to get up but i realize max fell asleep in my lap.

"here, i'll hold him," ezra offers and picks him up.

i head to the back and search for xavier.

when i see him i say, "hey, since it's busy, could i leave early? i only have 30 minutes left after my lunch break."

he nods with a smile, "of course, seraphina. have a good day."

"you too," i beam.

nap time.

i change into the extra clothes i brought and head back to the front where the guys are waiting.

"wanna come back to the apartment?"

they nod happily so i take maxon and buckle him up.


max woke up once we got to the complex so now he's drawing his heart out in the living room while i make us some food.

leo and keaton are with max having a competition to see who's a better drawer while ezra is helping me make the mac and cheese.

as i'm cutting the cheese, my eyes droop for a second and i accidentally cut my finger.

i hiss and ezra turns around and sees blood coming out of my finger.

his eyes widen and he rushes over to me and pulls my finger under some warm water.

"where are your bandaids?" he asks quickly.

"bathroom in the left drawer at the top." he rushes into the bathroom and comes out with a whole box of bandaids and i laugh, "ezra, i'm okay."

he ignores that and grabs some paper towels to wrap my finger in once he turns the water off.

he unwarps a bandaid and puts it on my finger securely and then turns me and says, "you've gotta be more careful, ser."

i laugh and his eyes narrow. "ezra, it's just a cut."

his head tilts and he says, "you could have chopped your finger off."

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