14: "hungry?"

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(ezra's pov)

i wake up with sera in my arms and snow coming down outside. a fairytale in my books.

i look around and see everyone is still asleep and max has moved closer to ser and i. his head is laying on sera's leg.

i gently remove sera from my arms and lay her back down. i frown, feeling cold now.

i walk to the kitchen and, just our luck, their apartment has a gas stove.

breakfast time.

i stand in the middle of the kitchen for a second because i have no idea where anything is.

i start opening cupboards in search of some bowls and silverware.

thank you mom, for making me memorize how to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

i get everything out, silently hoping that ser won't care.

i start with the bacon and get a pan out.

can you use an oven when the powers out?

i don't even try; looks like we're using the stove for everything.

i cook the bacon first, then the pancakes, and then the eggs. my mom always told me to make the eggs last. i have no idea why but i still do it.

right as i'm turning the stove off, i feel someone's eyes on me. i turn around and see sera leaning on wall by the entrance to kitchen with a small smile on her face.

a smile immediately lights up my face as i walk over to her and engulf her in a hug.

"you feeling okay?" i ask, still concerned about last night.

"yeah. thank you for last night. i really appreciate it," she says tilting her head up to look at me with her chin resting on my chest. i give her a soft smile and rest my chin atop her head.

"hungry?" i ask.

she softly laughs and nods.

"dig in. i'll wake everyone else up." we pull away and i make my way into the living room.

"hey, idiots!" i exclaim and in return i get groans from keaton and leo.

within a few seconds they both spring up when they smell food and hurry into the kitchen. i laugh and head over to the couch to wake max up.

i rub his back and he stirs before opening his eyes. "hey, bud, i made pancakes," i smile.

and just like i thought, he springs up and waddles to the kitchen.

sera told me once how much max loves pancakes so i knew he would wake up. max also has a habitat of telling us in detail how good ser's pancakes are.

i walk into the kitchen and see everyone getting their food. i grab a plate and we sit at the table.

"well, we'll be stuck in this apartment for today and most of tomorrow so what would y'all like to do?" ser asks with a slight tilt to her head.

i noticed that she does that almost every time she asks a question. max has started to pick up the habit too.

"we could binge a bunch of halloween movies," leo suggests and we all nod.

we quickly finish breakfast and i take the dishes to the sink after putting the leftovers in the fridge.

ser comes over and says, "i can do this"

"it's alright, i made the mess, i can clean it up," i smile at her gratefully for her thoughtfulness.

she huffs and then grabs a washcloth and starts washing the dishes that didn't fit in the dishwasher with me.

i slightly laugh and continue what i was doing until her hip bumps into mine. i bump mine back into hers and that creates a cycle.

i flick some water in her face and she opens her mouth in mock betrayal.

she laughs and shakes her head then does it to me.

i laugh and we finish up and head to the living room.

we spent the rest of the day watching halloween movies and playing board games.

ser and i fall asleep the same way as last night. me providing as much comfort as i can and ser relaxing in my hold.

right before i fall asleep, i come to a conclusion that shocks me more that it should.

i have feelings for seraphina ariti, and i'm not one bit mad about it.

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