24: "what, you thought ser didn't rant to me about how cute you two would be"

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(ezra's pov)

ser wanted to match for our date so we're both wearing grey sweatpants and a burnt orange sweatshirt. the same as our outfits during the picnic.

she said she just got a new one and wanted to wear it so i dug through my closet to find one that was almost the same shade.

i knew she would wear her white converse so i wore mine too and now i'm just waiting for her to get here.

she insisted on picking me up and i couldn't argue with her. 1, because i knew she wouldn't listen to me and 2, she sounded so excited to take me on a date and i didn't wanna ruin it by insisting that i pick her up.

when she asked, i used all my self control to keep the giant grin off my face but there was still a big ass smile that matched hers.

it's amazing knowing how excited she is for tonight.

i hated how she doubted her plans about the diner and bakery. i would do anything with her.

the doorbell ringing brings me out of my thoughts and i rush over to get it, an unfamiliar feeling washing over me with every step.

when i open the door, i'm greeted with sera's beautiful face and a bouquet of my favorite flowers in her hand, daisy's.

i think there's beauty in the simplest of things and i see that in daisy's.

it was only mentioned once to her and not even by me, by my mom. i probably shouldn't be surprised that she remembered, she always takes in the little details.

a grin breaks out on my face and i can't stop myself when i pull her into a tight hug.

"hey, are you ready?" she says but it's muffled from my chest.

she pulls back slightly and looks up at me with a dimpled smile that i only see on occasion. "i brought you flowers!" she says, holding them up for me to see.

a soft smile and blush form on my face as i softly say, "your one of a kind, ser. thank you, you look beautiful." i gently take them from her hands as she steps inside.

"you look great as well. i like that we're matching from head to toe." she grins as she follows me into the kitchen.

i put then in a vase and turn to ser who's sitting on the counter top. "me too" i say as i come to stand in between her legs and rest my hands on her thighs.

i slide my hands around her to wrap my arms around her waist and rest my forehead on her shoulder.

she loosely wraps her arms around my neck and gently plays with my hair.

i sigh before gently kissing her neck and then i lift her down from the counter.

she tilts her head up at me and asks, "ready to go?"

i grin, "always."


dinners been amazing so far. ser wanted to see who could tell the best dad joke and i won.

"singing in the shower is always fun until you get soap in your mouth. then it's a soap opera," i joke.

ser has coke running out her nose and she's doubled over with laughter.

all people see right now are two high schoolers laughing there asses off with coke all over their table.

that sounded bad.

she wipes her face with a napkin when we calm down and chuckles, "you win, you win."

i pump my fist in the air in victory and she laughs, shaking her head at me.

serendipityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang