19: "i raised you right"

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(ezra's pov)

all i've been able to think about since last night is that kiss.

god, it was incredible. it wasn't my first one but damn, if it wasn't the best one then i don't know what is.

i was a little late getting to school so i meet everyone at max's classroom.

i walk in and see them standing around max's desk. when he sees me, he jumps up and runs to me so i can pick him up.

i walk back to them with max settled on my hip.

i pull ser into a side hug since i was holding max and i kiss her temple.

she smiles up at me and says, "good morning"

"good morning, amore," (love) i smirk when she caught a slight blush on her cheeks.

keaton and leo were silently watching our exchange until keaton just had to open his big mouth, "there are children around, you two. stop making lovey doves eyes." he snickered when he saw my glare.

leo slapped the back of his head and we laughed at keatons expression.

"how's leela, keaton?" ser asks with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

he narrowed his eyes back at her and asks, "how do you know i've been talking to leela?"

she let out a dramatic sigh and rolls her eyes. "and who do you think gave her your number, idiot?"

his expression turned surprised and he says, "thank you, my wingwoman," with a hand on his heart.

she chuckles and says, "how could i not? you were practically drooling over her," as she smirks.

he stood up straight, holding his head up high with a stubborn expression. "i was not!"

"was too!"

"was not!"

"was too!"


"was not!"

"was not!"

"was too!" keaton gasped dramatically and pointed his finger at ser. "you tricked me!"

she shrugs and laughs and soon it was time for us to head to class.

keaton and leo were waking ahead of ser and i as i had my arm wrapped around her shoulders.

we were waking in a comfortable silence until ser asks, "what are we doing on friday?" with a cute furrow to her brows.

i smile. "i'm not telling you." i shrug.

she groans and throws her head back to rest against my arm.

"what should we wear, then?" she rolls her eyes.

"something warm." she hums in response and as we were about to go our separate ways to class, i pull her back by the loop of her jeans and give her a swift kiss.

she shakes her head and smiles. she walks away and without turning around, she says, "i'll see you soon, amore." i could just tell she's smirking.

i chuckle and shake my head while i walk to class.


lunch comes by fast, thank goodness.

i wasn't sure how much longer i could go through class without getting a break.

my thoughts have been occupied by the details of our date on friday.

in two days.

so soon yet so far.

i get pulled out of my thoughts by the goddess next to me laughing. "what are the plans for saturday?" leo asks ser.

"maxon still needs to pick a place to eat but after we'll go back to the apartment for presents. max is really excited for you all to be there. your mom will be with us, right?" ser directs the question towards me.

"yeah, she's excited." i smile gently at her.

"that's great!" she beams and goes on to talk to the other two about something.

i lean back and silently watch her as a big smile is plastered on her face. she's waving her hands dramatically to get her point across and then sticks her tongue out at keaton.

i watch as she laughs with slightly frizzy hair from her waves.

god, she's beautiful.

i don't even realize i'm smiling at her until i see leo out of the corner of my eye smirking at me.


school ends soon and i find myself at the mall, trying to pick out the perfect present for max.

i know he loves drawing and coloring so i get him a new set of crayons and coloring books.

i also think about the picture he drew of us at the picnic. ser told me how much he likes to keep things for memories; hence the drawing hung up on their wall. i pick a few supplies for me so i can prepare his present.

my mom taught me how to scrapbook for future use and i never thought i would actually use it.

looks like i am.

i grab a blank one and head to walgreens so i can print out pictures.

i texted leo, keaton, and ser before so they could send me pictures they have.

i print them out and look at them. pictures of all of us with max, some of him with just one of us, and some of just him.

it's not much but it's something he can look back on when he's older.

i also buy some stickers he can use however he likes.

i head home when i have everything and get to work. i even got my mom to help me a bit so i don't screw it up.

when i told her my idea she looked at me with a tender look and said, "i raised you right". my eyes watered then because i knew i was doing this right.

all of this is unusual to me. i've never had a girlfriend before. leo and keaton have been my only friends since i've moved here so i'm not used to doing these kinds of things. i'm just going based off of what my mom has taught me.

i stayed up until 2 in the morning, finishing the book and putting his present together and making sure it's perfect.

gosh, max has become like a little brother to me and i want the best for him.

i go to bed that night excited because in less than 48 hours i will be on a date with two of the most important people in my life.

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