06: 'who the fuck does she think she is'

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(seraphina's pov)

this cannot be happening right now.

let me give you a little recap of what happened when i met with my attorney.

basically, linda, my mothers sister, got a call from her attorney about my mothers death. once she found out about max and i, she asked about what happened with us and when she found out i became max's legal guardian, she was livid. she demanded that she get max in her custody because 'i'm not able to take care of a child', were her words. that's all alex, my attorney, was able to tell me. apparently after that, her attorney immediately called mine and he we are.

they want to go to court and try and convince a judge, i'm not capable of taking care of my little brother.

who the fuck does she think she is?

i texted ezra telling him i can come get max. he said they were at his house. he sent me his address and that's where i'm heading to now, along with telling myself not to cry once i explain the details to the three of them.

(ezra's pov) (right after seraphina left the ice cream shop)

keaton, leo, and i are sharing the same expression, concern.

we've grown quite close to max and sera over this little time. we don't know how or why but we all feel a pull towards them.

i sit next to max—where leo isn't—and say, "hey, bud. why don't we get going and we can have some fun at my house, hm?"

he nods and we all make our way to my car. i don't have a car seat for max so i have keaton sitting right next to him just incase something happens.

after a couple minutes we arrive at my house and make our way inside. my mom has work off today, so we head to see her.

she knows of max and ser already from the three of us.

keaton and leo basically live at my house since they don't have the best home life. they both just don't have a great relationship with their parents so they spend the majority of their time at my house. my mom doesn't mind at all. she loves them both as if they were her own and understands their situation.

i shout from the front door once we walk in, "hey mom, we're home and we have someone you're gonna want to meet."

she walks out from the kitchen and looks at us and then at the 4 year old in my arms.

she furrows her eyebrows and then realization overcomes her face. "oh my! is this max?" she asks with a giant smile.

at the mention of his name, max's head picks up from where it was on my shoulder and he looks towards my mom with a cocked head.

she comes closer to us and stands by max, she lifts her arms and asks, "can i hold you? i'm ezra's mom," with a warm smile.

max happily nods and i hand him over to her.

"where is seraphina?" she asks.

"she had something she needed to do, so she asked if we could watch max for a couple hours," keaton says as he walks towards the kitchen in search of food.

we all follow him and sit down at the kitchen table.

my mom doesn't know everything about max and ser. we didn't want to say something ser might not be comfortable with a lot of people knowing. so, she doesn't know about their living situation and their parents death.

we all look at my mom and she can tell we need to talk to her.

"hey max, would you wanna watch a movie in the living room while we talk about grown up stuff real quick? it's gonna be pretty boring so i'm not sure if you'd wanna hear it," my mom asks.

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