36: 'our last stop'

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(ser's pov)

on the way to the cemetery, ezra keeps him hand on my thigh and i'm forever grateful for it. i haven't visited since before max and i left so there's a lot that has changed.

the gate and parking lot come into view faster than i would have imagined. i park the car and we get out.

max and i clutch each other's hand like our life depends on it as we walk closer to the entrance.

i feel a hand on my shoulder when we reach and i look back to see everyone standing behind us. "we'll wait here," ezra says before kissing max and i's forehead.

we walk forward with trembling hands so i pick max up and set him on my hip. he lays his head on my shoulder and distracts himself with the rings on my fingers.

i look around for a second before stepping in front of our dads grave. i take a deep, shaky breath and sit down in front of the grave with max in my lap.

"hey, papa," max and i say before entering a comfortable silence for a little bit.

"we haven't seen you for a couple months but the move went well. we met amazing people. there's phoebe and leela, keaton, leo, and then ezra," i chuckle sadly.

"ezra's my boyfriend. you would've loved him. he's everything you told me to look for in a guy, even though you were never keen on me having a boyfriend. he loves max and i unconditionally." i sigh and swallow back the lump in my throat as my eyes start to water.

"i've tried to raise max like you would have." max let's out a sob and tears begin to trickle down my face. "you would be so proud of him. he's making friends, he's above grade level in all his subjects, and he still colors. everyday. he's started to let the guys use his sketchbooks too.

"we miss you, so much. i think about you everyday and i'll try harder to make sure max knows how much you loved him." i hold max a little tighter.

"i love you even if i don't remember much," max cries and i start to sob.

i hold him while we cry and sit before our dads grave.


when we get back to the house, max and i go up to my room to lay together. everyone stays back, understanding we wanted to be alone, together.

"sissy?" max whispers.

"yeah, bud?"

"you and i, right?" his voice breaks and he stuffs his face into my neck.

"always and forever, my love. you and i." i kiss his cheek and wrap the blanket tighter around us.

a few minutes go by before there's a soft knock on the door and ezra walks in. "y'all should eat. you haven't had much today," he whispers and i can clearly hear the concern in his voice.

he walks to the side of the bed and sits down. i lower my head into his lap while max moves to lay on my chest. ezra rakes his fingers through my hair lovingly. laying here, with my two favorite people, i let out a content sigh.

"we're doing okay, better after crying out the sadness." i chuckle dryly, answering his unasked questions.

"i didn't wanna ask a stupid question." he shrugs and laughs. "come on, we need to get some food in y'all's system."

i stand up, giving max a piggy back ride. we head downstairs and see everyone in the living room. they smile softly at us before we head to the kitchen.

"i made some gumbo and rice." ezra smiles.

"i love you," max and i groan in unison.

"you seriously could be twins," ezra mumbles before getting us bowls. i see him grab three and furrow my brows. "i waited to eat so i could eat with you two," he explains and butterflies flutter in my stomach.

we sit down with max in ezra's lap. i take a bite and my eyes widen. i turn to ezra and see a loving smile etched on his face. "my dad's recipe?" my voice quivers a bit. he nods and i lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes to keep the tears in. "why are you so sweet?" i cry.

he laughs slightly and kisses the top of my head. "i love you."

that brings more tears to my eyes. "and i love you."


i'm mid bite when i hear phoebe shout, "everyone, i have an announcement!" she comes barreling into the kitchen with everyone hot on her heels, eager for what it is.

she turns to leo and raises a brow. "anything to ask me?"

leela and i snicker, knowing what she's about to do. leo shakes his head with furrowed brows and phoebe sighs and mutters, "must i do everything?" she clears her throat and asks, "leo, will you be my boyfriend?"

leela and i burst into hysterics while the boys turn shocked. leo smiles and shakes his head while saying, "of course."

ezra leans his head on mine while he shakes with laughter. keaton is almost on the ground with leela and max is giggling.

i sit back and listen to the conversations flowing and know, our dad would love them all.

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