The princess shakes her head timidly as the healing ceases. "No, I never had one. W-what about you?" She blushes the more she speaks.

The knight smiles slightly, her brows relaxing. "Yes, I have one. She is really beautiful."

"How so?" The girl asks with eyes full of curiosity.

"She is all black and grey, with striking green eyes so full of intelligence." The blonde smiles a little more at Sakura's reaction. "I wonder how she is doing right now." She humphs, amused at the thought.

"I am s-sure everything is alright." Sakura looks away timidly.

Kamui lays back down. "Yeah, I hope so."

"Milady!" Subaki calls from outside. "Your assistance is needed!"

"No rest for the medics." Kamui shoos the princess away.

Sakura looks back before smiling and rushing to the door. "Hum..." She hesitates. "What is its name?"

Kamui coughs briefly. "Maria."

Sakura nods before trying to appear stern. "You have to rest." She wasn't successful.

The door closes and the blonde shuts her eyes, waiting silently for a moment.


As nobody seems to enter the room, she sits up, her leg crossed, and with a deep breath she stands up.

A frown adorns her face as her right leg cramps in protest. In annoyance, she hits the floor repeatedly and stretches her leg to the maximum to try and ease the pain.

The second action worked better than the first.

With a deep breath, the knight starts walking around her futon, recalling what happened the day before.

She destroyed the capital's plaza while fighting giants overloaded with magic, the grey-haired prince tried to shoot her, she has broken her wrist (even though it has healed to the point it only feels like a small cramp) and she got herself poisoned.

That's not a good first impression, she shakes her head at the thought.

At least, she is the one who took everything, others could have faced irremediable aftermaths.

Which does not actually concern her, but since they are part of Kotai's family...

"Sis." The albino calls as he enters the room. "You need to rest."

"Yeah, I want to go out." She turns her head in his direction. "I don't like the atmosphere here."

He raises an eyebrow. "Alright, I'll lend you my shoulder then." He grabs her right arm and passes it over his shoulder. "We will have to go by the window though." He smirks as they look outside to make sure nobody is watching.

They share a glance before jumping out of the window.

"I wanna go over there please." She gestures to the gardens. "I don't know what type of medicine it was, but it stinks in there."

Kotai chuckles as they calmly make their way to the pond. He often forgets that Kamui has an even sharper sense of smell than himself. "Yeah, I thought I was gonna puke." They sit down. "How long will it take you?"

"I should be able to walk without problem by tonight." She looks around. "What about your mother?"

He lays down next to her. "Resting, I guess? I mean, I have not gotten out of my room up until now."

"Not interested in meeting your... numerous siblings?" Kamui asks, not sure about how big his family is.

"I am! It's just that it can wait." He intertwines his fingers, looking at the sky.

He was waiting for Kamui to get better.

"And..." She hesitates. "Is the guy with the excessively long ponytail your brother?"

Kotai exhales, amused.

His sister has always chastised fighters with long hair, she finds it stupid as she does not hesitate to use it to her advantage.

The kunoichi she dueled during her first Hanami festival is a perfect example.

Anyway, back to the other prince. "His name is Takumi, he is a bit lost." 

"No shit. He tried to shoot me." The blonde scoffs.

"He is extremely lost." He sighs tiredly.

The albino has already heard about the incident, his older sister, who he remembers is named Hinoka, has made Takumi apologies to him.

But the wrong was not done to him, it was done to his sister.

His sister, who didn't hesitate to fight two behemoths for his mother's sake when she could have just ignored it.

She deserves the apology, not him.

And now that he thinks about it, he does not know the full extent of Kamui's power.

The two monsters she fought would have made it rough if he had to confront them, their gargantuan magical reserves one of the many hints that tickled his mind.

But if it weren't for the venom, she would have won unscathed.

So this is the absurd power of a heroic spirit?

Why aren't people trying to summon them if they possess such tremendous power?

And why.

Why isn't his sister hungry for power.

He has read countless stories of heroes and warriors turning mad for power in history books.

But her, a heroic spirit, doesn't care about it, she'd rather sleep on her couch than come to the palace on her own.

And she doesn't even need to sleep.

"What would you do if you were Queen of Hoshido?" He asks, his mind troubled.

Kamui opens her eyes, confused. "Why?"

Kotai shrugs, not looking at her. "Just like that."

"Hum... It would mean that there would be no more barrier protecting the country... So annihilating Nohr's army seems like the best thing to do." She frowns. "Then again, you told me your sister was in Nohr, so extracting her should be the priority. But even so..." She goes on and on as her answer turns into a mumble, her good hand meeting her chin during the process. 

How amusing.

When other hoshidans are asked this question, their first thought is about buying jewelry or luxurious food.

Kamui only thinks about destroying nearby threats.

"You know, my twin sister is in this palace right now." Kotai smiles at the blonde.

"Hum? I thought nobody could go from one country to the other." Her frown is now directed at him. "Oh! I know! She is the albino who almost died with your mother." She nods to herself, her facial muscles relaxing. "Have you talked to her?"

The boy shakes his head. "No... I will later"

"Alright. What do we eat tonight?"

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