Part 26

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Xavier had woken up and was disappointed that he didn't wake up with Liam in his arms. He had sighed and gotten ready for the school day. When he arrived at the building he went straight to Liam's class. As he suspected Liam wasn't in there. Xavier spent the next eight hours asking teachers and staff if they had seen or heard from Liam. Most had said no but the same had given an idea of where he could be. When the final bell had rung, Xavier had raced to his car, dodging his stepdad and students. He quickly pulled off and looked around the town for him. He had gone to every store Liam had known to be at or was similar to his interest. But Xavier came back with nothing. No one had seen Liam at all. The boy had sat in his car crying. " Damn it Liam where could you be?!" He hit his head on the steering wheel. He turned his head towards the passenger seat and stared. On the floor of the passenger seat was a picture that Liam's sister Kate had drawn for them. " His parent's house of course! Why didn't I think of that." He quickly drove home and ran inside. Elizabeth, his mother, had looked at him." Slow it down Mr. First things first. Have you made things up with Liam?" She questioned. Xavier walked to them in front  of her." I am going down to his parent's house to see if he's there." She nodded and smiled." That's good, I'm proud of you" She kissed his cheek and headed on her way." Be safe and make good choices!" She yelled from the kitchen. Xavier went up to his room and grabbed a gift bag and quickly got in his car." It's a four-hour drive, I should make it around nine o'clock." He sighed and started his drive.

When he was about ten minutes away he drove through a hardcore thunderstorm. Xavier could barely see and had almost swerved off the road a few times but he had made it there in one piece and ahead of time by an hour. He took a deep breath and ran up to their front door. He knocked and waited for a few minutes, no answer. So he tried again but louder this time. This time he could hear footsteps coming towards the door. The door unlocked and opened. On the other side of the door was Liam's father. Liam's dad looked at him up and down. "You made the right choice son." He nodded his head towards the stairs. Xavier smiled and hugged Liam's dad tightly."Thank you so much sir and believe me, I had always planned to be with Liam if I got him pregnant, and If you want I will marry him this seconded." His dad smiled and hugged him back. Liam's mother grabbed Xavier and pulled him into a hug." I am so glad to see you." She pulled back and looked at him." Let's get you dried and changed before you go up to him." She took him to a bedroom and gave him clothes in a towel." We will be waiting for you." Xavier nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.

As soon as Xavier came out of the bedroom, all of Liam's siblings, except one, were in front of him. Each and every one of them had given him advice on how to make everything better. The taller male nodded and walked over to their parents. Liam's mom handed him a ray with a bowl of soup and tea." Make sure Liam eats and drinks because he got himself sick from all of the cryings." He nodded and turned to his dad." Let him know that you want to be in this child's life ever since the beginning. This isn't his first pregnancy but hopefully, this will be his first baby." Xavier was taken aback by hearing about Liam's pregnancy. His thoughts then turned to Victor and understood why Victor didn't want to let him go. "He wants to redeem himself." He mumbled. Liam's parents looked at them confused. "It's nothing, I'm going to go up to Liam now." He took the tray with a smile and made his way up to Liam's bedroom.

Classroom secret (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora