Part 22

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Hello! It's me the writer, some of you may be confused about somethings. So early I said that Liam was a Virgin but in the last part he was pregnant. When he was with Victor he identified as male but he didn't full transition into male. So he hadn't had sex since his transition so that means he didn't have a vagina so that makes him an ass virgin so yeah.... Also because this is a fictional story Liam will get pregnant later on which is a big part of the story. So that's the only little spoiler. I hope you enjoy, bye bye!

Liam was in the shower crying and shaking , after realizing what day it was. They day he lost the two little loves of his life. Also the only day he would let Victor hold and kiss him. Xavier noticed that Liam wasn't out yet and he went to check ok him. He neared the younger man crying softly. Xavier's heartily nearly broke and he picked up the sobbing man from the bathroom floors. "What's the matter? What happened? Let's get you dressed and get some tea in your hand babe."He got Liam dressed and on the couch with a mug full of tea." Liam, love, talk to me please." Liam just stayed quiet and stared in his tea cup. The man's tears falling into the mug. Victor walked in from setting up their hang out spot and saw Liam. He quickly rushed over and held Liam in his arms." Shit shit shit!" Victor said over and over as he held the smaller man." It's ok Bub, everything is going to be fine. They're happy I know they are." Liam cuddled into his ex lover and cried." No more Valerie and Vinny? That bastard took away our lives. He took away my children and my husband." Victor shook his head in disagreement." No no, it was me that took away your husband that was all my fault and I take full responsibility but if I had another chance Liam I swear that I would love more than I ever have." Xavier's eyes twitched and he pulled his small boyfriend in his arms and rocked him." I am his boyfriend and I will comfort him through anything he is going through. Liam love what happened that hurts you so much?" Liam took a deep breath and looked down." I-I was pregnant with Victor's babies. We had came back from learning that we had twins and the genders. We even went shopping-" Victor chuckled looking away." You spent our whole savings for that month, but that beauty smile was worth it. And Liam was so damn beautiful when he was pregnant. I replay those days on repeat in my mind." Liam smiles softly, some old feelings for Victor coming back. He looked at his old lover and he wanted him, just like he wanted him before but he pushed the feelings down and looked back at his current boyfriend." Victor and I were driving home to have a picnic in the park and drink sparkling grape juice in the sunset, but we were hit by a drunk driver and he killed my babies. They're life was cut short by a very horrible man. I'm ready to start a new family now it just hurts me still." Xavier nodded trying to understand Liam's pain." I'll comfort you until it's time for you and Victor to see the stars, ok?" Liam nodded and cuddled up to him. Victor looked Liam up and down and put his tea in a sippy cup." Hey Xavier he's getting closer into little space. I don't know if you've helped him out before but here's a few tricks to help."

Xavier and Victor started talking, close enough to call it bonding. It was also like there was sexual tension between the two. Victor put a hand on Xavier's waist as he taught him how to make Liam's favorite snacks. Xavier leaned into his touch, starting to fall for his scent and how right, Victor's rough hands felt around his waist. Victor liked the way Xavier's body also fit into his body, just like Liam's. They both glanced at each other, smiling sweetly,hoping not to be caught. Victor smiled at the younger man." What's the matter?" Victor's southern accent more noticeable then before." Nothing's wrong... take that back, do you really still love Life or are you upset he moved on?" Victor took his hand off Xavier's waist." I'm proud to say that I'm in love with that young man and nothing will ever change that. He's my lifetime and in the end he will be my husband like he supposed to be years ago." Xavier frowned and looked at him." Well I plan on making him my Mr.McBride. Stay away from my man." " Stay away from my husband pipsqueak, we have more chemistry than you two will ever have." He took the snacks for Liam and walked over to him. Xavier growled as he watched Victor be cuddly and romantic with his boyfriend. Victor put Liam on his lap and feed him like a toddler. Liam giggled and cuddled into his ex.

Later on that night Liam and Victor were having there picnic under the stars." Liam you know I never meant to hurt you the way I did, but I made a mistakes, so many mistakes and you didn't deserve what I put you through and I'm sorry. Please forgive me Liam and let's restart, not like nothing ever happened.... I just want you to look at me the same." He put a hand on the younger man's cheek." Please Lexy." Liam blushed softly and looked away." Victor I can't.... I'm with someone else and I can't help but tell you no. We can try to rebuild our relationship but we can't be in a romantic relationship, especially not with Xavier and me. Vic I love him." Victor sighed and pulled his hand away." Then can I have a kiss?" Liam sighed." Just a peck." Victor nodded and Liam went in for a peck. Victor kissed Liam deeply and he held Liam's hands so he wouldn't push away. When Victor broke the kiss he looked at Liam panting softly." I'm sorry I couldn't help my-" He was cut off by Liam jumping on him. They both rolled down the hill laughing. Liam ended up on Victor's chest as they caught there breath." You know how much this feels right to me. Victor the laughing, the kissing and the cuddles. This is what I miss and what I needed. I want you but I also want Xavier. I would be an idiot if I didn't at least try this relationship with Xavier. I have no idea what experiences and what I can accomplish if I don't try it." Victor looked up at the man he loved." Then let's fight for you. Take you on a series of dates and see who you choose." Liam shook his head." No no, that's not fair because you'll win over and over and you know it. Victor if my relationship with Xavier ends I'll give us a try again, I promise." He played with Victor's fingers." Then I want you to forget about Xavier tonight and embrace what we have even if it's just for a few more hours." Liam nodded and splashed him with the freezing cold water from the river. Victor picked Liam and jumped into the river with him. Liam screamed and laugh." I hate you Victor!" He yelled swimming back to splash the bigger man." Come on you know you love me Lexy." He teased and splashed Liam back. The two laughed and ran from each other. Both made their way back to the picnic and dried off." You definitely were trying to kill me out there Lex, what was that about?" Liam giggled and ate a cookie." Your being so dramatic you know that. I want trying to choke you I was trying it get on your back." The taller male chuckled and the couple fell into a comfortable silence. Only a few moments later Victor interrupted the silence by rustling through the bag he had brought." Watcha looking for old man?" Liam said to tease. Victor rolled his eyes and pulled out a ring box." I'm older by two months and it's something you left in my possession four years ago." Liam froze and looked up at him." Vic you did not keep them..." his eyes widened at what used to be his engagement ring." It looks a lot better on you than on my bedside table." Victor said as he placed the ring on Liam's finger. Liam jumped hugged Victor and started to cry as their perfect memories came back." Did you ever buy our dream home." "Of course I have, I've updated it but I don't live in it until I have you living there with me. Your small garden you wanted his back there, everything you ever wanted Lexy, it's all there." Liam kissed Victor deeply until he lost his breath." Thank you." Victor kissed him again and smiled." Let's go inside before you get sick Lex." They cleaned up their picnic and went back inside.

Inside the both took a warm shower together. Stealing kisses every once in a while. Liam started to feel guilty because he had made a promise to Xavier, but after ever kiss he shared with Victor he forgot about it more and more. It became hazy in his memory. Before he knew it he was cuddled up on the couch watching rom coms on the couch, barely awake. He fell asleep in Victor arms and smiled softly. Xavier came over to collect his sleeping boyfriend and brought him to there shared bedroom." Whatever chemistry you two have we need to have stronger chemistry." He noticed the ring on his finger and growled." He's stepping over the line." He took the ring of Liam and put it in the bedside drawer." You're mine and only mine....."

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