Part 20

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Liam looked at Victor then at Xavier. He wanted Xavier to say something but he didn't." Xavier are you using me." Xavier snapped out of his silence by slapping Victor." Only someone like you would use Liam. Out of all 6,000 of his students that he remembers by heart he pushes me. If my papers are shit he tells me to my face then he sits down and shows me what I did wrong and what I can do to make it better. His like that for every student teacher and staff. In and out of school. I never need to use Liam, Liam doesn't need us but we need him." Liam smiles at his boyfriend and kissed him deeply." I knew I made the right choice with you." He smiled and started to make out with his body. Xavier put both hands on Xavier's ass while kissed the man. He grabbed and smacked the older man's ass as he dominated their kiss. No one seemed to mind them but Victor. Making sly and jealous comments about the couple." That boy uses to much tongue " or" He's not slapping Liam's ass properly " He clearly was upset with Liam moving on to someone younger than he was. He wanted Xavier back but didn't know how. So for the coarse of the trip he tried wearing clothes and cologne he knew Liam like but Liam didn't notice or care. He tried to prove that he was stronger and smarter than Xavier but Liam always rushed to Xavier's side. Victor cooked and baked for Liam but Liam could care less. He couldn't find out how to beat Xavier, then it hit him.

" Hey Liam want to go see the stars tonight? Me, you, bottle of wine, and your favorite foods." He said sitting across from Liam in his art studio." I don't know Victor, Xavier might have something planned tomorrow."" Please Lex, it will mean the world to me." He begged Liam. Liam sighed and looked up from his canvas." I will talk about this with Xavier and I'll let you know. Stop calling me Lex, I've always hated it and you know that." Victor put his hands on hips and put his head on Liam's shoulders." Then why did you make me growl it in you ear~" Victor growled in Liam's ear to tease. Liam kicked him where the sun don't shine and glared at him." You might want to cut it out if you plan on having kids one day." He walked away from the fallen man, going into the house. Victor slowly got up." That's the man I want to have children with." He said and made his way in the house. Liam went inside the house to see Xavier on the floor playing with his youngest sibling. Alexa,the age of three, Maria, the age of six, Peter, the age of 7 and Peter's twin, Mark. He watched as the younger man made each and everyone laugh and made them feel included. Alexa,noticed Liam and hugged him." Bubba Iam is ax heavier five ever boyfrefs?" She asked looking up with her bright blue eyes. Liam giggled and ruffled her red hair." I don't know if Xavier will be my five ever boyfriend." He smiled and picked her up." You the mug you painted with me and mommy a few months ago?" The red headed nodded with a bright smile." I drink out of it everyday." Her smile only got brighter and she cuddled up to his chest." I'm happy buba Iam" Liam started to rock her in his arm. Xavier came over to Liam when the kids were called to do their chores. He wrapped his arms around Liam's and kissed his neck." What's the matter my love." Xavier asked Liam." Victor wants to take me on a picnic under the stars.... I told him I'd ask you to get your opinion before I make my answer." Xavier thought for a while." If he hurts you or tries anything call me and send me your location. That's all that I ask because I know you're over him." Liam lover the confidence Xavier had in him." I'll go just for old times sake and we will do nothing but talk eat and drink." The smaller smiled and marched over to Victor." I will go but do not touch or kiss me , if you do my boyfriend will kill you." Victor nodded and smiled." Well then I'll see you later on tonight." Liam nodded and got back in his boyfriend's arms and fell asleep.

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