Part 25

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The Next day Liam wasn't at school. Liam wasn't at school at all for the next few weeks. His messages were ignored and his phone calls were ignored. Xavier tried over and over to reach Liam but all attempts failed. Xavier had come home to see his mother on the couch. "Come sit down Xavier." He walked over and sat next to his mother. Liam was sleeping peacefully on Elizabeth's lap. "I don't know what you did to this poor boy, but you need to make things right. You are going to settle down and be an actual father. I am not saying you two have to get married but your going to take care of them babies." With that she got up and walked away. Liam was now on Xavier's lap. He could see the tear stains on his face. Xavier rubbed over his cheek. "Liam..." He took a deep breath and sighed." I never meant to hurt you and I also never meant to fall in love... but I did. I only regret one of the things and that's hurting. It was a stupid bet , but in the process i found a loving , caring, sweet, charming guy. And there is so much more to you as well... Then there's the baby." He chuckled a but." Baby I am so excited for the baby. I always wanted to be a dad and give my kids a childhood I never got. So I'll be here, right next to you even if your not wearing my wedding ring. Always."

After Xavier had finished admiring the small man in his lap." I love you Liam and I think I always will." he picked Liam up and took him up to his room. He put the smaller man on his chest and rubbed his back. "I love you princess, so much." Moments later Xavier fell asleep with his lover. Liam cuddled up enjoying the warmth and smell of Xavier. It had to be three in the morning when he got this morning sickness. As he ran to the restroom, he noticed he was in Xavier's bathroom. He began panicking and grabbed the trash can as he ran out. Liam went out to his car. He had to leave, he needed to get away. So that night when he got home he packed his bag and got in the car.  In the car he called his mother. When she answered he broke down in tears." Mommy I messed up so bad. Can I come home please?" His mother tried calming him down." Of course Liam, calm down ok. Just drive safely and we will talk when you get here ok?" He nodded and realized she couldn't see him." Yes mama, see you soon." They hung up and he started driving to his parents house.

When he got to his parents house he quickly ran in hugged his mother." Mommy I'm so sorry, I got pregnant and now I'm alone." She and his father looked at each other confused and took him to the couch. "Calm down honey, tell us everything." Liam took a deep breath and told them everything. His parents were in shock and couldn't believe what had happened." Well Liam I'm sure he will come around hopefully and until then lets go get you cleaned up and taken care of." They took him upstairs and got him relaxed. After they had finished getting their oldest son together they went to their bedroom." I hope they work it out because they seemed so happy." His dad nodded." Yeah." She laid on his chest and wrapped his arms around her waist." I just want him to be happy and get the support and love he  deserves." He looked at her. "He will be fine, we raised a strong man and he can do anything he puts his mind to." She nodded in agreement . They both slowly fell asleep in each others embrace.

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