Part 6

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Warning self harm and degrading is mentioned
Liam always knew he was different from other kids, other people. As a young kid he had cried easily over the smallest things, get extremely nervous or anxious in the weirdest situations. He could be depressed one minute and smiling the next. Liam realized at a young age that he need more attention then most, that he couldn't handle the smallest put down or a simple rude thing. Over analyzing ever situation to where he found himself in a hole. He started missing classes or not participating. The once straight A student now had F's in all classes. His parents would scolded him."Your the oldest of eleven, you need to work harder! They all look up to you!" Liam never listened or never cared. His father would put him down and his mother would cry like she was the victim in all of this. The pressure got to much for Liam.He wanted be gone, leave this stupid family. He wanted to die. Liam had tried many times, and many times he ended up in a hospital. His mother again crying like the victim and his father putting him down. He wished the would leave.They never took care of him or any of his siblings. Only the next year his parents died in a car crash coming back from out of state, forcing all eleven kids into foster care. The bounced from house to house and sometimes would get separated, but always ending back together .

By time Liam was in his third year of Junior high, a married couple had adopted them. A every last one and moved the all to Manhattan. There they got Liam therapy and helped him turn his life around. They got him through high school and some how managed for him to get his Bachelors degree faster than most people and helped him get a stable job. They did it for each one of the kids that were old enough. The youngest kid in that household is six and the oldest if fourteen. Only three more kids to put through High school and College . Liam never knew how the did it or why they did, all he knew was that he loved them like his actual parents.

Everyone looked at Liam's arms. He chuckled softly. "Old habits die hard"He joked and pulled his arms away from Xavier. Liam read their faces and could tell that they were worried and scared." I swear its been almost five years since I put a blade to my skin on purpose." Everyone smiled with relief that it was fine. Xavier was still worried about him. He thought and he realized that he didn't know that much about Liam at all. After a while. They all went back to dinner and finished with a slice of cake.

Liam got up to go home and was stopped by Xavier's mom."It's quite dark outside, I think you should stay the night" Liam blushed "No no, it's fine ma'am. I don't want to be a burden" The two go back in forth, Liam eventually giving up and staying. She had taken him to Xavier's room."I hope you don't mind sleeping with your student "She joked and let him in.

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