Court Appearance

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Chapter 1

Mr. Quinn I understand your request sir, but the court has no choice but to award custody of your sister Amanda Quinn temporarily to the State of New York.

I am sorry you've lost both of your parent's to 911 World Trade Center Bombings.

It is a tragedy but you are only 18 year's of age your sister is nine.

I will grant you unsupervised weekly visitation's that's twice per week and a weekend unsupervised visitation monthly.

I leave your sister in the most loving and capable hand's I know Mr. Quinn.

With all you both have gone thru I leave your sister with an excellent foster grand mother Ida Mae Henry who will care for Amanda with love and affection.

I order you to secure a full time job maintain the family home gifted by your parents to you and your sister. I will have s court appointed liaison come visit the home to make sure it is suitable while you complete 150 hours of child parenting classes.

We will reconvene in eight months to see how you are doing Mr. Quinn which I'm praying will be well. Court is dismissed.

Kalel left the court upset and angry he called his baby sister to give her the news. So I can't come home with you El? Not yet Mandy but soon the judge said I have to finish classes and get a full time job.

El how mom and dad said they want you to go to college. I will Mandy but I have to get you back first.

What about your scholarship? You worked hard for it I know..What about online classes El? Mommy's lap top is in her room and her tablet.

I'm not sure the scholarship is good for online Mandy.

Well ask them El. I will okay? Okay. How is it there Mandy are you ok?

It's good Mother Ida is a very nice woman remind's me of grandma you would really like her.

How many kid's are there? Just her grand daughter El who is six and me she said she knew mama.

She did, how? Mama use to do her hair before she graduated from law school for extra money.

Do you feel safe there Amanda? Yes El she is a church lady so no men allowed hehe.

I get to stay in the charter school mama got me in I want to stay here until you can come get me and take me home. Do you like church? Yes I like it a lot actually.

If anything happen's call me first not the cop's and not the ambulance understand?

Yes El. I'm only seven block's away I can get to you fast and alway's keep the phone on ring especially at night understand?

Yes El. Good night Amanda I love you.

Goodnight El love you more.

Kahel showered and slept he had a long day and beeded a good night's rest to clear his mind he stood in the doorway of his parent's bedroom imagining them reading and arguing over what movie they were going to watch or series to begin together.

He wiped the tears that fell when would he be able to look into his parent's bedroom and not cry? He hoped they weren't disappointed in him loosing his court appearance today.

He hoped they knew he would never give up he wouldn't stop until he brought his sister back to her childhood home.

Kalel took a deep he had to deep clean the house the next day in case the court social worker's decided on an impromptu visit.

They lived on a four family brownstone in crown heights the house passed down to generations on his mother's family. The house was paid for until his mother took out a second mortgage to pay for a new roof clear bills, and but a new family car which sat in the driveway.

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