Happy Christmas

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Karai grew nervous at Splinter's reaction. "Yeah, I just don't feel like I belong here. Now that you're back everyone will be happy."

"What about you? Will you be happy going back to Japan?" Splinter asked and Karai looked unsure. "I-I don't know, I think. I want to find out who this new me is and I think I have to do that on my own."

"You don't seem like you want to." Splinter said and then placed a hand on her head. "Miwa, don't run. Tell me why you feel like you have to go back to Japan."

Karai sighed. "I'm still scared to be part of a family...I love the turtles like my brothers and I just found out recently that they felt the same about me but I just don't know if I can be the sister they want me to be and I'm not sure I can be the daughter you want me to be."

"All you have to be is you...I do not expect you to change who you are. I think your perfect just the way you are."

Karai shook her head. "But I'll just end up disappointing you like always. I can't make you proud like they do."

Splinter smiled. "You did when you spoke at the arena." He said, which surprised Karai a little. "I have never seen that side of you. The way you spoke to all those people...I have never been more proud of you then I was at that moment."

Karai smiled a bit. "Well...I learned it from you." Splinter smiled at her and grabbed her hands, looking her in the eyes. "Please Miwa...stay...I want you in my life, I want to know everything about you."

Karai thought for a moment, considering it. She almost said no but when she looked in her father's eyes, she knew she wanted to stay and learn more about him as well. "Ok, Father, I'll stay...but on one condition."

Splinter waited for the condition as Karai took a deep breath. "Can I be Hamato Miwa, can I be your daughter again? Not just your student or a kid you picked up on the street."

Splinter chuckled. "Must you ask such a question? Yes Miwa, of course." Karai smiled and hugged him before grabbing something out of her bag. "Before I tell you about my life... can you tell me where this came from?"

Karai asked, showing him her green silk. Splinter's eyes went wide and he gasped softly before taking the silk and smiling. "My mother's scarf. I thought I lost it."

"This was your mother's?"

Splinter nodded. "Yes, she used to wear it all the time." He then laughed a little. "When you were a baby you crawled into my closet and found it. You instantly fell in love with it. When I would try to take it from you, you would cry your little eyes out until I gave it back."

"What were your parents' names?" She suddenly asked and Splinter frowned slightly. "My mother's name was Yura and my Father's name was Hiroshi."

"What were they like?" Splinter chuckled and started telling her stories about her grandparents.



The turtles, April, and Casey were peaking through the window, smiling. "It's about time." April said.

"No kidding, I thought they would never try to connect." Leo said with a smile. "I'm happy for them. Splinter always hoped he would be Karai's father again."

"She's not Karai anymore guys." Raph said and they all looked at him. He smirked. "Didn't you hear her? She's Miwa now."

They all smiled and continued listening to Splinter and Kar- Miwa's conversation.


"...Your grandmother was actually the reason why I wanted to be an artist and why I named the turtles after the renaissance because she and I would paint all the time together."

Miwa smiled warmly at the stories about her grandparents, finally she was getting to know more about her family. "Now, tell me about you." Splinter said and Miwa looked to the side.

"Well...before I became Shredder's loyal soldier...I had a mother and sisters...one of them being Shinigami." She started and Splinter grew interested. "She was the best person I ever knew..."


Few months later,

It was Christmas eve and the Hamato family were spending it at the farmhouse. Snow was falling everywhere and they couldn't be more happy.

Leonardo has made things right with Liz and is back to his old bossy self again. He and Liz have been dating for a couple months, they were really happy together. Raphael has been so happy and relieved that his family is back together again. He no longer had to worry so much about them which meant he had more time to spend with Mona and talk about their future together. April finally had a heart to heart with her father and he apologized for what he said, not only to April but to the Hamato family as well. He explained that he was just worried about his daughter's happiness but he realized that Donnie is the one who makes her happy. After that, Donnie and April got closer, not having to hide their relationship anymore.

Michelangelo was back to being his happy self and pulling pranks on everyone. He no longer felt alone and his girlfriend Eva was happy for him. Casey had a talk with his father and not only did Casey sign himself up for rehab but his father did as well. Casey was finally back and he was back to his old self, no longer did he look sick or tired which made Shinigami very happy that she didn't have to worry about her boyfriend anymore.

As for Miwa and Splinter. They have grown rather close over the past few months, they no longer got into awkward conversations and they were finally father and daughter again.

Miwa has been training to be a grand-master like her father. She wanted to be as good as him...maybe even better. One day, she hopes to make a new clan, a clan that she could call her own but right now she wants to focus on having fun and causing trouble like she used to before her mind got filled with revenge. Miwa has never felt this happy in her life. Karai, Shredder, and the Foot clan all felt like a bad dream that she finally woke up from.

They were all sitting on the couch while Mikey was dancing around the Christmas presents. "Aw, yeah! Present time!" He sings before giving everyone their presents.

"You really love Christmas, don't you Mikey?" Eva asked and he smiled at her. "Well, yeah, who doesn't?"

He walked to Miwa and Splinter and handed Miwa her gift. "Here you are, sis. It's from Splinter." Miwa scowled at her father who smiled. "I told you I didn't want anything."

Splinter shrugged. "Well, too bad. I got you something anyway."

Miwa sighed and opened it. She gasped. It was a necklace of a red and black daylily flower. "Dad...it's beautiful."

Splinter smiled and took it out of the box. "They say the daylily flower represents the snake." He explained while putting it on her neck. "I thought...it would make a nice symbol for your clan one day and I made it our clan's colors so you would always remember that you will always be part of your family's clan."

Miwa looked down at the necklace and then she smiled at her Father before hugging him. "Thanks Daddy, Mary Christmas."

Splinter smiled and hugged her back. "Mary Christmas, Miwa."


(I made the daylily flower thing up. I'm kinda sad that this story is over, I really had fun making it but I'm also kinda happy because it's the first story I've finished!  Thanks to all who enjoyed it.)

TMNT Karai's Biggest RegretsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon