Time To Fix The Broken Family

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Splinter was sitting in the hospital bed waiting for his family to come through the door. It almost didn't feel real to him, he couldn't believe after a long year of hell he was about to see his family's smiling faces again.

A knock came through the door and a nurse opened it letting the turtles, April, and Casey in. They all looked at him with teary eyes and he smiled at them. "Hello, my family."

His voice cracked, failing to control his emotions. His sons immediately ran to him. "Splinter/Sensei/Father/Papa!!!" They all cried and hugged him.

Despite the pain this crushing hug was giving Splinter he said nothing and hugged back. He rubbed their backs as they cried, trying his best to calm them down. Once they finally did they held on for a while longer before finally letting their father go. April then hugged Splinter next with a few tears running down her eyes then surprisingly Casey hugged him too.

Splinter could smell the alcohol on him which reminded him about what Raph had told him and the state Leo was in when he saw him. It's time to fix his broken family. When Casey let go Splinter looked at them all sternly but gently, knowing that this wasn't their fault.

"Raphael has told me what you all have been through and how you have been suffering ever since I died." Splinter started and they all looked at Raph who looked anxious.

Splinter knew he wasn't anxious out of fear, he just wanted his family back. The friendship he had with April, the unbreakable bond he had with his brothers, and he also wanted his best friend back. Hopefully, Splinter would be able to do just that but it will take time.

"Leonardo." Splinter said and Leo turned his attention to him. "First, I forbid you from leaving your home and your family behind." He said sternly and Leo's eyes widened. "How did you-

"It doesn't matter." Splinter interrupted. "I know you have been hurting my son, you have lost your way without me there to guide you and for that I am sorry." He then took Leo's hands into his own. "You need to allow yourself to heal my son, you don't have to act strong anymore...you can let it out."

Leo's eyes started to water, he looked at his brothers then back at his father. Then he burst out into tears. "I'm sorry Otosan! I tried, I really tried to go on without you and be strong like you wanted me to be but-but I couldn't handle it! When you died I felt so lost and alone then when I lost my purpose as leader I-I didn't feel like myself anymore! It felt like I lost another part of you! I'm sorry, I tried, I did!"

Splinter pulled his son in a hug and allowed him to cry in his chest. "I know you did my son, I know you did." He said gently. "I am very proud of you Leonardo for holding on as long as you did, I know it wasn't easy to have all that weight on your shoulders."

Mikey stepped up. "Dude, you weren't the only one who felt alone." He said softly and Leo looked at him. "I did too! Especially when all of you stopped talking and hanging out with me! Wasn't it bad enough I lost Papa, did I really have to lose my big brothers too!" He cried and everyone looked at him brokenhearted.

Leo let go of Splinter and for the first time in a long while he hugged his little brother. "I'm sorry Mikey. I-I didn't know the pain I was causing everyone, I'm sorry that I couldn't keep us all together...I wasn't strong enough."

"Michelangelo, come here my son." Splinter said.  Mikey let go of Leo and went to Splinter who took his hands as well. "You have been feeling very lonely since I've been gone, haven't you?"

Mikey sniffed and nodded.

"I'm sorry my son, I'm sorry you felt alone for so long." Mikey looked at him, tears still running down his face. "I tried to keep everyone smiling and laughing Papa but nothing I did worked! They would just yell at me and tell me to leave them alone!"

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