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The next day,

I was rudely woken up by a soldier who grabbed me by the arm and threw me out of the cell. It took everything in me to not break his arm at that moment. Raph, who was hiding under the bed snunk up behind him and knocked him out. He stripped him of his cloak before tying him up and locking him in an empty room.

Raph put on the cloak and gagged when he sniffed it. "Ah! This thing smells like moldy cheese!" He whined.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, quit being a baby. You live in the sewers, I think you can handle the smell of 'moldy cheese.'" Raph sighed. "Alright, I'll look around and see if I can find a way to destroy that machine."

"And I'll figure out a way to get Splinter away from all the guards," I said. We both nodded at each other before separating, little did we know that a white rat with red eyes was watching us.


I went into the classroom anxiously. Splinter was going on about the vision of rats and how they can see in the dark but I could barely hear him, all I could hear was the sound of my thoughts. 'What if this doesn't work? What if I get everyone killed?! What if they were right?'

I kept on thinking and I could feel my hands starting to shake. I put them on my chest and took deep breaths but it wasn't working. My heart was starting to beat fast and I shook even more. "No...not now."

Tiana looks at me. "...Armonia? Are you ok?"

I looked at her for a moment and then she vanished and I'm surrounded by darkness. I am standing in front of Foot soldiers but not just any soldiers, my Foot soldiers. They were staring at me, eyes white and brows angry.

"You are a decrease to the Foot clan!" One of them said as another stood next to him. "You are nothing but a spoiled little girl! You almost got us killed by Totsu and when you had the chance to kill him, you didn't!"

"I guess the brat just expects us to do all her dirty work while she sits comfortably on the Shredder's throne!" Another one of them said.

My lip trembled. "P-Please, I'm sorry, I didn't mea-

"You meant everything you did! You told us that Tatsu was using us like the Shredder but he's not the only were just using us too! You could care less about the Foot, all you care about is yourself!"

"That's not true!" I yelled, tears running down my face.

"Isn't it? How many times did we risk our lives for you just so you could provoke Shredder, how many times did we risk our lives for the Hamato clan who have been our enemy for hundreds of years?!"

"They don't have to be your enemy anymore, you choose to think that way of them!"

One of the soldier's scoffed. "See? You're not good enough to be our leader, all you're good at is messing up and leading us into pointless dangerous situations that lead our clan to nowhere. You're nothing but the spawn of the enemy! Therefore, we must kill you!"

He said before they all pulled out their swords. I stepped back. "...Please....don't..." They ignored me and charged. "No!"

"Armonia! Wake up!" I heard Splinter shout.

My eyes suddenly snapped open and I found myself on the floor curled up in a ball as tears ran down my face. I look up to see Splinter and everyone else staring at me, worriedly. I sat up and Tiana suddenly hugged me.

"...uh...what are you doing?" I asked, confused. This girl just met me yesterday, why is she hugging me?

"My little brother gets panic attacks when he's scared. Sometimes, a hug helps calm him down a little." She answered and my eyes widened slightly.

This is rare of me but I slowly hugged her back, taking in the comfort that I really did need. I pulled away from her, feeling a bit humiliated. "...Thanks..." I said softly and I could tell she was smiling at me under her mask.

Two men came behind me and pulled me on my feet. "Easey does it, kiddo." One of them said and the other chuckled. "You really worried us there."

I raised a brow at them. Worried them? They don't even know me. Why would they care? "Why would you worry about me, aren't you the one I threw scissors at?"

The man chuckled. "Yeah, well, I kinda deserved it. I was out of line. You seem like a really good kid and very tough, I like that."

I looked around in confusion for a moment then my eyes caught on Splinter who was walking up to me. I tensed, thinking that I may have just given myself away. He put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright, Armonia?"

I shrugged him off. "...Yeah, I guess I was just a little stressed. Sorry that ruined your lesson but at least a little excitement happened for once." I joked.

I thought I saw something in Splinter's eyes for a moment but he just rubbed my head. "Well, I am glad that you're ok."

A knock suddenly came from the door and a soldier came in. "Splinter, the RatKing wants to see" He said and Splinter walked out of the room.

"Great...who knows how long until he comes back.." I muttered, annoyed.



I watched as Armonia was pulled on her feet and looking at the men in confusion. Something about her felt familiar and my ears perked up again. I got up and went to her. "Are you alright, Armonia?"

She seemed nervous but why? "Yeah, I guess I was just a little stressed. Sorry that I ruined your lesson but at least a little excitement happened for once." She joked and my heart lit up.

That familiar sense of humor. Could it be? Is it possible? I put my hand on her head and rubbed it. "Well, I am glad that you're ok." I said before leaning my head in a little.

I took a moment to smell her scent. Cherry blossoms, grapefruit, and....snake. It's her, she's here but how?!

A knock suddenly came from the door and a soldier came in. "Splinter, the RatKing wants to see" He said.

I got nervous but I do not protest and I follow the soldier. I follow until I am at the bottom of the stairs to RatKing's throne which reminded me a lot of Shredder's throne. Suddenly, soldiers forced me to my knees and chained me up.

"What is the meaning of this?!" I yelled and glared at him. The RatKing looked at me. "That look your eyes are giving me right now..." He started. "It's the same look that girl gave me when she first arrived."

He said walking down the stairs, I watched him anxiously. He took off his hat and put on a strange looking helmet. Soldiers pushed a big screen in front of us and an image appeared on it. My eyes widened. It was an image of Miwa, glaring her eyes.

RatKing lifted his hand on the screen. "Those big amber eyes...filled with so much fury and a hint of fear....just like your eyes, brother..."

He said before looking at me with a wicked smirk. "...She's your daughter, isn't she?..." I flinched and then he nodded his head at the soldiers who ran out of the room.

I stood up. "If you touch my daughter-!" I yelled and got punched in the face by a soldier and I fell on my knees, again.

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it, brother." RatKing said before taking off the helmet. "She will be the first one of the students who will be transformed and since she's your daughter I'm sure that she will make a great warrior."

I glared at him. "You're mad! Miwa will never submit herself to you!"

"Miwa? Is that her name?" RatKing said before turning he's back to me. "I'm sure she exchange for you..."

My eyes widened and RatKing looked at the soldier, over his shoulder. "Take him away. I believe a punishment is in order." He said.

I growled and the soldiers dragged me away. 'Please Miwa, Please be alright.'

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